Hey all,
I'm a first-time GM, having been an EotE player before thanks to the magic of Roll20. I'm now running my first campaign with a solo player and he has opted to roll an exiled Mandalorian warrior during the Clone Wars era. His chosen obligation/background is tied in heavily with the New Mandalorian / Death Watch backdrop from the Clone Wars TV show so I thought I would try my hand at coming up with some stats for various characters and minions associated with that faction for when he inevitably wants to return to Mandalorian space. Stats include Duchess Satine and her New Mandalorian security forces, Pre Vizsla's Death Watch clan and even the young Boba Fett of this era.
Stat blocks can be found here: https://imgur.com/a/fz2RH
Would love some feedback from more experienced GMs/players on whether they think the stats are a balanced representation of these characters/NPCs during this era, if there's anything mechanically flawed I've missed, etc.
Credit to Oggdude's GM Tools for allowing me to produce the stat blocks and even customise various abilities/equipment.
Edited by Kualan