How many items can heroes buy in "specialized markets" in RtL?

By Celtic Joker, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

There are 3 "specialized" markets in RtL: Forge, Nerekhall and Frostgate.

For example, in Frostgate, the heroes draw treasure cards until they draw an Other item.

Say, they draw 3 weapons and then an Other item.

Can they buy any/all of the 4 cards or just the one Other item?

P.S.: Sorry for posting this in your list of questions thread, Paul Grogan. I'm new here and hadn't fully read your introduction to that thread. Is there any way to delete posts on these forums?

That's how we play it. Every card you draw at the market is available for purchase.


Celtic Joker said:

There are 3 "specialized" markets in RtL: Forge, Nerekhall and Frostgate.

For example, in Frostgate, the heroes draw treasure cards until they draw an Other item.

Say, they draw 3 weapons and then an Other item.

Can they buy any/all of the 4 cards or just the one Other item?

P.S.: Sorry for posting this in your list of questions thread, Paul Grogan. I'm new here and hadn't fully read your introduction to that thread. Is there any way to posts on these forums?

The extra cards drawn are implicitly discarded, although it does not say so explicitly, because the first 'special type' treasure card explictly becomes the first card drawn at that market (check the actual text on the map - the rules aren't actually written in the rulebook unfortunately)..
In the case of Frostgate, which has market size 1, that does mean that the 'Other' card will be the only treasure available to purchase.

Corbon said:

The extra cards drawn are implicitly discarded, although it does not say so explicitly, because the first 'special type' treasure card explictly becomes the first card drawn at that market (check the actual text on the map - the rules aren't actually written in the rulebook unfortunately)..
In the case of Frostgate, which has market size 1, that does mean that the 'Other' card will be the only treasure available to purchase.

That's how we play it, too. The idea of drawing until you get a certain card type is that there will always be one of that type at that market. So we draw until we find one, discarding everything that comes before, and then fill up the market value after we've found the one item we need. I don't know what, if any, support there is for discarding the other cards in the rules. Honestly it seemed so intuitive to do it that way that we never questioned keeping the other cards.

Steve-O said:

Corbon said:

The extra cards drawn are implicitly discarded, although it does not say so explicitly, because the first 'special type' treasure card explictly becomes the first card drawn at that market (check the actual text on the map - the rules aren't actually written in the rulebook unfortunately)..
In the case of Frostgate, which has market size 1, that does mean that the 'Other' card will be the only treasure available to purchase.

That's how we play it, too. The idea of drawing until you get a certain card type is that there will always be one of that type at that market. So we draw until we find one, discarding everything that comes before, and then fill up the market value after we've found the one item we need. I don't know what, if any, support there is for discarding the other cards in the rules. Honestly it seemed so intuitive to do it that way that we never questioned keeping the other cards.

It is explicit in the printed rules on the board that when drawing for the first market item you draw until you find the right type. Then you fill up to the market size. If you don't discard the other cards then a) the one you keep won't be the first item and b) the market could have many more items than it's size available, thus breaking the basic market rules on pg 22.

Further, if you don't discard you create a rules rort where if you already have all of one type of item you could go to that market and take your pick of every treasure in the deck. So in order to get your choice of weapons or armour, you go to the 'Other' specialist market because you have all the 'other' items...

Yeah, rereading the board looks like I've been playing this wrong. It's pretty clear if you just read the board (something some of us apparently have a hard time doing ;) . Shall fix next time we play! :)
