Conceptualising a campaign: Wraith Squadron 2.0

By Funk Fu master, in Game Masters

Cross posted from AOR forum

Hi all,

I am currently half way through GMing Onslaught at Arda I. 11 Sessions in with about 4-6 to go (I think..). I will be doing the usual post campaign chat with the group to either 1. keep going with current characters or 2. try something new.

To that end, I have been thinking about the "something new". As my last two campaigns have been loosely AoR as a specfor team. I want to add a bit more theme to the group.

I am considering re-imagining the plot of Wraith Squadron from the x-wing series. Basic premise is that Wedge has the Idea for Wraith squadron after the battle of Hoth and sets it up in a similar way.

Ragtag squadron of Pilots that all have a particular and varied set of skills.

Chargen would be that everyone Picks a career and spec. Those that dont pick Ace will then get ace/Pilot or Smuggler/Pilot or Starfighter ace for free. Those that Pick an Ace career and spec first will then get a free spec in whatever else for free. This will represent the fact that some may come from a different life and have to pick up piloting, whilst others may be pilots first and foremost, but there previous life/upbringing gives them some other skills.

Key to this is that they get both specs in character creation, and can spend the second free ranks in both specs.

Once thats done, its time for them to be issued their astromechs and fighters. As it is ragtag I will randomise the driods, and will mix up the fighters to meet the classes (as in pair up a weaker pilot with a gunner in a Y-wing or other 2 seater)

Thats the foundations. I would love any advice and ideas, and if anyone has written any space based adventures that would be great.

I am planning to loosely follow the plot of the trilogy, as it is basically a RPG waiting to happen

You haven't mentioned how many players you have, but you might consider giving each 1 or 2 wingmen and use the Squadron rules from the AoR GM screen. This will add a lot of survivability to the players during dogfights, which tend to be quite deadly. On planetary missions the NPC squad mates can stay with the fighters, or perform side missions off screen (and get themselves into trouble so the PCs have to rescue them).

One of the first missions might be capturing a small Capitol ship that will act as a carrier for the squadron, or capturing a base from pirates that have been troubling rebel convoys. Another mission might involve liberating prisoners from an Imperial detention center - some of whom can serve as support staff on the carrier or at the secret base.

I currently have 6 PCs, so a wingman each would round it out to 12.. I was going to introduce them slowly so as to not overwhelm the Players (they will have a pet astromech too)

As most havent read them, I am thinking of rewriting the basic plot of Wraith Squadron as the first adventure, as it covers all you have mentioned.

Has anyone else run with all PCs getting pet droids/wingman before? Any advice

Make the PCs care about their wingman, give them interesting backstroke, set them up for a "sidequest" of sorts. . .

Then have at least 2 eat a Turbolaser out the gate.

Double points if they do it via squadron rules!

The ones that make it past 2 combat missions upgrade to Ace Pilots.

Let the players nickname their droids, give them quirks, treat them like pets. Pets that can and will save your life when your out 3 engines and the black is becoming blue fast.

Edited by Dayham
On 2/15/2018 at 2:41 AM, Funk Fu master said:

Has anyone else run with all PCs getting pet droids/wingman before? Any advice

Our group, in combat, has the droid go on the PC's turn and be controlled by the PC. A wingman, using the squadron rules, can soak an incoming blast or add a hit with advantage. Out of combat the droid or wingman will be another NPC, but our group gives a lot of narrative control to the PC.

With six players, I would try to keep the NPCs in the background unless a plot point revolves around one. But, check out the Personality Quirks in the droid crafting section of Special Modifications. Choosing or rolling one for each of the astromechs would add a handy bit of flavor to use when they do have a voice in the scene. The Negative Quirks in particular have been really fun in our games.