Fun things during games last night

By darkjawa103, in Runewars Miniatures Game

So I was able to play two games last night at my local gaming store and had a few good experiences.

1. A 12 tray Reanimate block is really fun. With Ardus embedded and 4 threat is some serious damege output. One attack did 20 damage to my opponents Spearmen.

2. There were three of us there to play so we had Daqan, Latari and most importantly Waiqar. During the course of the night we had two people watching and expressed interest. So we are working on setting up an official demo day on Sunday.

I'm interested in the 12-tray Reanimates unit. What United did you run along with it? I'm currently looking at Ankaur Maro and 3 Carrion Lancers, but I'm not married to that idea. I know two units of Reanimate Archers with Combat Ingenuity make good support, but so far I only have one copy of Combat Ingenuity.

According to Facebook, @Tvayumat recently ran it for a store champs:

Tvayumat - Waiqar
199 pts

4x3 Reanimates
-Ardus Ix'Erebus, Frontline Carrion Lancer, Blighted Vexillum Bearer, Aggressive Drummer, Lingering Dead

2x1 Death Knights
-Obcasium's Gauntlet, Rank Discipline

2x1 Reanimate Archers
-Combat Ingenuity

2x1 Reanimate Archers
-Combat Ingenuity

1x1 Carrion Lancer

I'd be interested to hear how it plays! Aggressive Drummer will surely help, but Reanimates' dial is... pretty lousy.

So my Reanimates had Ardus, Support Carrion Lancer, lingering Dead, Raven standard bearer, aggressive drummer.

I also had 2x2 DK with MoI and power glove, carrion lancer w/rank discipline, archers with CI

23 minutes ago, darkjawa103 said:

So my Reanimates had Ardus, Support Carrion Lancer, lingering Dead, Raven standard bearer, aggressive drummer.

I also had 2x2 DK with MoI and power glove, carrion lancer w/rank discipline, archers with CI

Woah, eclectic. I like it. Man, I need to get my hands on some Death Knights. Maybe after tax returns? :rolleyes:

36 minutes ago, Bhelliom said:

According to Facebook, @Tvayumat recently ran it for a store champs:

Tvayumat - Waiqar
199 pts

4x3 Reanimates
-Ardus Ix'Erebus, Frontline Carrion Lancer, Blighted Vexillum Bearer, Aggressive Drummer, Lingering Dead

2x1 Death Knights
-Obcasium's Gauntlet, Rank Discipline

2x1 Reanimate Archers
-Combat Ingenuity

2x1 Reanimate Archers
-Combat Ingenuity

1x1 Carrion Lancer

I'd be interested to hear how it plays! Aggressive Drummer will surely help, but Reanimates' dial is... pretty lousy.

Yeah, I saw that and I think it's a very strong army. Aggressive Drummer is AMAZING for being able to charge on the initiative 6 Wheel - and we all know from 4x1 Oathsworn how far that outside tray can travel when turning. I've used the 12-tray once at a tournament, but I lost both games, but that mostly came down to objectives, so I plan to bring more versatile support.

Yeah you do. Obcasiums gauntlets are a decent answer for things like tanky Hawthorne. Only have to hit him once, give him the glove and run

5 minutes ago, darkjawa103 said:

Yeah you do. Obcasiums gauntlets are a decent answer for things like tanky Hawthorne. Only have to hit him once, give him the glove and run

That's about what Tvayumat did to my Ravos. Death's Grasp cost me one extra turn of Ravos attacking. Without Death's Grasp, I think Ravos could have finished the horses, drank from his goblet, and turned his attention toward the archers.

3 minutes ago, Parakitor said:

Yeah, I saw that and I think it's a very strong army. Aggressive Drummer is AMAZING for being able to charge on the initiative 6 Wheel - and we all know from 4x1 Oathsworn how far that outside tray can travel when turning. I've used the 12-tray once at a tournament, but I lost both games, but that mostly came down to objectives, so I plan to bring more versatile support.

I dunno, to me it just suffers too much from deathstar weaknesses: terrain, banes, and blockers. It's pretty easy to shut off large sections of the board with terrain deployment, and every immobilize and blight cuts into the unit's overall output pretty harshly. Waiqar is especially vulnerable, lacking access to a Rallying musician.

I mean he did pretty well and definitely seems like he knows what he's about so it can't be ALL bad, but that many points tied up in one unit makes me real nervous.

Admittedly this list came up because I had enough Reanimates to actually do it. LOL. I was also nervous about the massive point sink, and I did lose the entire unit, but it took his Hawthorne, Spearmen and Cavalry to do it. So a large point sink on his part to deal with it.

I should try this in my league vs the KariThorne list my opponent likes to use.

6 hours ago, Bhelliom said:

I'd be interested to hear how it plays! Aggressive Drummer will surely help, but Reanimates' dial is... pretty lousy.

You just haven't seen the potential in the wheel charge with a 4 wide front, yet. There is no other unit in the game capable of this maneuver at the moment.

12 trays of Reanimates w/ Aggressive Drummer can flank a unit that's almost straight ahead of it. It brutalizes, if you're clever with timing and placement.

5 hours ago, Bhelliom said:

I dunno, to me it just suffers too much from deathstar weaknesses: terrain, banes, and blockers. It's pretty easy to shut off large sections of the board with terrain deployment, and every immobilize and blight cuts into the unit's overall output pretty harshly. Waiqar is especially vulnerable, lacking access to a Rallying musician.

I mean he did pretty well and definitely seems like he knows what he's about so it can't be ALL bad, but that many points tied up in one unit makes me real nervous.

All of these are valid weaknesses to point out. You can't afford to play stupid with a list like this, and it certainly can be taken apart under the right(wrong) circumstances. It can also tablewipe people before they know what's happening. I like to favor a high skill/high reward playstyle.

It's also worth pointing out that "I have all these models painted" was a factor in my list choice. That, and the prevalence of Uthuk players making me want to do something different.

This list has so far taken first in our ten player SC and fell in rankings quite a bit for the second 8 player one. I think people have started to get wise to the reanimate wheelcharge. Several people stopped approaching the reanimates altogether, and highly aggressive Uthuk lists are hard to deal with for pretty much everyone at the moment.

As far as blight goes... there are very, VERY few lists that can outblight a pair of RA blight batteries with CI. I guarantee I'll clear mine before they clear theirs 90% of the time, and while it's true that a single unit is easier to blight-out than multiple... it also means all the enemy's blight generation is going to be stacked on one unit that can rally it all away at once. It's all about timing. At 200 points, any army is going to struggle to both crowd control/block the big unit AND defend the flanks of their ranged units from encroaching DKs or even a lone CL, who can deal a whole mess of mortal strikes or just focus on sweeping up objective tokens.

Terrain deployment can limit their movement, but it's very difficult to really stop them, you just have to learn to maneuver the big block and (in a tournament setting) bring only small terrain and take first player if given the opportunity. If your opponent is only placing one terrain piece they're going to have a real hard time blocking you out of where you want to go. I'm often able to use terrain to funnel units toward them. Another factor of their size is that they can be nearly impossible to avoid. Blockers just vaporize, and the unit has more than enough HP to weather a round of shooting in the mean time.

Heavy Crossbowmen are a pain, for sure. I look forward to being able to field some Wraiths to harry their flanks soon.

Edited by Tvayumat
37 minutes ago, Tvayumat said:

You just haven't seen the potential in the wheel charge with a 4 wide front, yet. There is no other unit in the game capable of this maneuver at the moment.

And there it is! Despite having looked extensively at the effective range of 4x1 Oathsworn, it never occurred to me to look at wheel charges. Very interesting. Great looking unit, by the way, can't blame you for wanting to field that. Did you find Ardus and the Lancer both essential?

Ardus yes. The extra die with 4 threat was scary, until Ardus was taken out by the panic deck. The Wurm, not as much. Undecided about that.