Question Regarding Yoda’s Hut

By Galahad80, in Star Wars: Destiny

Apologies if this has already been addressed, but I had a question regarding Yoda’s Hut.

Action – Exhaust this support to give a character 1 shield. Gain 1 resource if that character has 3 or more shields.

Does the shield gained from activating Yoda’s Hut count towards determining whether or not you receive a resource?

Thanks in advance for any assistance provided.

Edited by Galahad80

It's two separate sentences so I would say that yes it would count. Since you would first take the action, then give a character 1 shield, then gain 1 resource if that character has 3 or more shields.

Yes. Effects with multiple parts happen sequentially, and you don't progress to the next part(s) until the prior step(s) have been completed.

So first step, give a character 1 shield. Next, check to see if that character has 3+ shields, if yes gain 1 resource. Note that there's no then clause to this effect, so if there was something preventing you from giving a character a shield (currently no game effect that I know of that can do this), you'd still get to make the 3+ check.