Signature abilities usage

By Hurske, in Game Masters

Hi everyone, I got a question for you other overlords. When a player uses a signature ability or an ability that is a one time use per session, and one that uses a skill roll to activate.

Do you count the failure as part of the overall use, so if you fail, you are out the rest of the session with it.

Or do you have the use only be for when the ability succeeds.

Depends on the ability, technically. If it is something that modifies a skill roll, like two boost once per session, then if the roll doesnt go your way, the ability is still used. If it were a full up signature ability then I would tend to lean toward it is only expended on a a success, since alot of them dont require a roll. Unless the signature ability is extra devastating because of the roll. So it goes back to the specifics of the situation.

Do you have a specific case you are wondering about?

I can't recall the ability off the top of my head, it wasn't an ability that just adds dice, those I will let fail.

It was more specific of the ability only activating if the player passes the skill roll.

One I can think of is the signature ability that wipes out all the Minions in an encounter. Would you still let the player try again next turn if he fails his first try.

Or maybe limit it to one try per encounter untill he succeeds, then it's off until next session.

Per RAW it is one TRY (without upgrades) per Session.

you first spend the Destiny points and with that you activate the session long cool down of the ability.

Of course if you want to have it a little bit more light hearted (e.g. because your Players are of a younger age, or you don't meet up to often to play/ a one time session) you may M HOUSERULE that your players may try it again until sucess.

On 2/11/2018 at 7:41 PM, Hurske said:

Do you count the failure as part of the overall use, so if you fail, you are out the rest of the session with it.

Assuming a one use Sig Ability, once those dice leave your hand, the ability is spent. The God of Dice cares not for if you come up success or fail. One and done, baby.