Ok, so like many people I own a lot of games. Awhile back I bought the core and many of the packs. Since I needed to raise money for my Armada, Destiny, and X-wing habit I sold all be the original box set. I saved the box set to see if I like the game.
I have been following the reboot and wonder what the best place to get in will be that avoids so of the natural issues that arrive from a huge card pool.
Is the new block of data packs a good place to start with the new core or were some of the packs in this cycle still remnants of playing off of recent cycles. How is the latest cycle?
Should I wait and get the core and wait and get all the packs in the next cycle? Should I wait for the next big box set before getting a core and other data packs.
Basically, I can wait and I am looking for the best experience possible.
Any buy recommendations would be appreciated. $150 is about where I would like to be.
This ks only going to be one game in my collection of 80+, but might get top 8-10 attention out of my collection. So I don’t need to over do it like I do with most games. Looking for enough of a collection of the new stuff to keep my interest for 10 years playing maybe 3-4 times per month at most.