Tarkin! Not Thrawn!
Ugh get off my lawn you damned kids
Tarkin! Not Thrawn!
Ugh get off my lawn you damned kids
12 minutes ago, duck_bird said:Tarkin! Not Thrawn!
Ugh get off my lawn you damned kids
Cue for a Rolling Stones song! "I says, Hey! Thrawn! Get off of my Lawn."
They both start with T...
Final Battle
Vader ( @emsgoof ) / Tarkin ( @duck_bird ) / Jerjerrod ( mysterious forum handle) vs. Raddus ( @Truthiness ) / Ackbar ( @Ginjo Halan ) / Leia ( @CyborgNinja )
After crushing it in the last round of regular matches, the Imperials had First Player/Team.
[Everybody else --- feel free to add your own commentary below. Mine's minimal because it's pretty obvious from the photos how rough it went for the Rebels...]
Round 1: That looks like a reasonable number of angry triangles to deal with, not a lot of Rebel firepower on the board though.
Round 2: There's some Rebel firepower!
Round 3: Man, Leia gave Home One some really awful coordinates to hyperspace in back at the start of the game...
Round 4: Wait, where did all those Rebel ships go? Also, that's a much less reasonable number of angry triangles ( Avenger 's cloaking device was active as it dropped in to murder Admonition )
Round 5: Here's the ignoble end of the Rebellion in the Corellia Sector -- All Rebel Admirals lost; Tarkin survived, but the point differential was huge (most Imperial fleets had a majority of their ships left, every Rebel fleet was nearly wiped out)
Order has successfully been restored to the sector! Imperial citizens no longer need to live in fear!
In all seriousness though if you ever wanted to know why Raddus isn't imperial.... BTAvenger is the answer.
I do like me some Avenger / BT.
I’ve decided that even in the conflict, the Interdictor is a useless ship. It’s just too slow and the support it offers the fleet isn’t enough to offset the lack of firepower for the points you put out for it.
On 5/23/2018 at 1:13 AM, emsgoof said:I do like me some Avenger / BT.
I’ve decided that even in the conflict, the Interdictor is a useless ship. It’s just too slow and the support it offers the fleet isn’t enough to offset the lack of firepower for the points you put out for it.
Thread necro! I love all the writeups in this campaign, but I have to disagree with the Interdictor.
It's a very expensive ship, but it's not about doing damage, it's about ruining whatever your opponent has planned. Targeting Scramblers ruin heavy hitting ships. G-8 projectors make fast ships very easy to catch (especially in conjunction with Tractor Beams). The firepower isn't amazing, but 8 dice from 2 shots is about as good as you can expect from a Victory, for only 20 or so points more, which isn't so bad. I flew an Interdictor, ISD II and Gladiator in my first campaign and went undefeated primarily due to the mitigation of the Interdictor. The trick is timing your whole list to engage at long rage on one turn (using dip caps to keep the interdictor relevant) and then close to close range by the end of the next turn.