My second game of the afternoon was against @CyborgNinja , playing our Round 1 Corellian Conflict battle. The rebels had decided to attack Crash's Drift. My minefields objective was selected for our battle.
I had Lord Vader commanding a Cymoon ISD with Intensify Firepower, an ISD2 with Gunnery Teams, an Interdictor Suppression with Targeting Scrambler, and 2 TIE Interceptors.
@CyborgNinja was running an MSU fleet, with Leia on a Nebulon Support with a Skilled First Officer, a Nebulon Escort, a GR-75 with Comms Net, 3 Hammerhead Torpedo Corvettes with External Racks, Han Solo, Ketsu Onyo, Corran Horn, Rogue Squadron, and two YT-2400s.
I knew this was going to be difficult as even with upgrades available to me, I tend to struggle against MSU lists. Having only two very weak squadrons, I was already planning on losing them. With my strong long distance shooting ability, I was hoping to sit back and just lob red dice at his ships.
Deployment after I set up the obstacles and minefields. He has opted to try and end run on both sides, while I've turtled in the center. Leia is at the top of the image with one of the Hammerheads, his squadrons and flotilla are in the middle, and massed Hammerheads and the other Nebulon are at the bottom.
During turn 1, I dropped my speed to zero, safe in the knowledge I could go back up to speed one the next turn or take a token and do it turn 3 if I wanted, based on what the squadrons were doing.
End of turn 1 you can see the Rebels are trying to avoid the minefield.
During turn 2, I decided to split my forces, thinking an ISD could handle half of his forces on each side of the minefield.
In turn 3, the flotilla landed so it was within trigger distance of two mines. We weren't sure if both would trigger, and @CyborgNinja thought they should. The GR-75 was destroyed in the resulting explosions. The fighters quickly dispatched my Interceptors, and have started plinking away at Vaders Cymoon.
Tuen 4, the ISD is starting to take hull damage from the annoying squadron attacks. The Rebel ships are actually running into each other to avoid coming into range of the ISD guns.
Turn 5 the ISD ended up being destroyed, with Vader taking an escape pod trip. The ISD 2 destroyed a Hammerhead but it was a small consolation.
The final turn Leia's Nebulon jumped around to the rear of the remaining ISD to avoid being destroyed. Nothing else of consequence happened during the turn.
Looking back at this, I probably would have done better to set up all of the mines on one side, forcing my opponent to bunch together so i could have had my own ships supporting each other, or immediately turned all of my ships to my left to go after Leia and the single Hammerhead.
Time to wait for the other players to finish their matches so I can see how much of my fleet I can repair.
Edited by emsgoofChanged the title, other participants will be adding their reports