A curious dice result. Help wanted.

By Io Sweet, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I've had a situation, where a group of PC's are seeking access to the shop of a weapon's dealer. But the two guards outside are asking the PC's to relinquish their weapons first before entering. They'd be returned, the guards explain, upon exiting the shop. One of the PC's wants to keep his lightsaber, so the guard makes a roll vs. the PC's stealth skill. The guard fails, but also rolls 2 advantages and a single despair.

I am unsure what results would come from two advantages and 1 despair. If anyone could give suggestions, I would appreciate it, thanks.

Edited by Io Sweet
You know.

First, I probably would have had the Pc roll but it’s your game.

Because of the a Failure the guard definitely doesn’t find the Lightsaber, during the pat down though they take the opportunity to pick pocket the PC of some other small item, stim pack or some cred sticks (That’s the Advantage).

Now the Despair is for the PC to narrate, but if I was them I would have the pc catch the gang member red handed. The boss of the gang flips out and apologises profusely to the pc’s, now he feels he owes them a favour of some sort.

Edited by Richardbuxton

They find the lightsaber but don't recognize what it is. Their advantage could be that they call it out - giving the weapons dealer an opportunity to make a Lore check to see if they recognize it.

The despair could mean that they feel confident they've got everything and take the opportunity to dip into their stash of spice or something that would equally hinder them if things go sideways.

Failure - they don't recognize the lightsaber as a weapon

2 advantage - they jostle the lightsaber accidentally (and unnoticed) disconnected the powercell (requires a ready maneuver after it is discovered)

Despair - The guard was so incompetent that the PC managed to pickpocket a holdout blaster off the guard.

Well he failed the roll, so he doesn't find the thing. The advantage could be he finds something else, or maybe he recognizes somebody as potentially dangerous so tells the people inside to keep an extra close eye on them?

For the despair he could give away some key bit of intel or he gets so intent searching the one person he misses something on another player, or simply lets another player slip in before they give up their weapon.

Remember if you're having trouble coming up with ideas yourself, throw it out to the players. This is supposed to be collaborative. You don't have to come up with it yourself. Often my players come up with better ideas then I do.

3 hours ago, Split Light said:

Often my players come up with better ideas then I do.

This one of my favourite parts of this system.

5 hours ago, Split Light said:

Often my players come up with better ideas then I do.

In fact, usually I have the players plan out the bad guy despairs and threats, just like I get to do theirs.

1 minute ago, Edgookin said:

In fact, usually I have the players plan out the bad guy despairs and threats, just like I get to do theirs.

That is an absolute must, it engages the players so much more in the story

I had one dice roll ALL COME UP BLANK.... #sortthatoutGMs :lol: my dice luck sucks

1 hour ago, ExpandingUniverse said:

I had one dice roll ALL COME UP BLANK.... #sortthatoutGMs :lol: my dice luck sucks

An unremarkable failure. So unremarkable that the only thing the GM can say is "what are the od--" "Never tell me the odds!!!"

Because its silly for them to miss a item as big as the lightsaber unless cleverly hidden, id rather go with they fail to recognize for what it is (failure). This is the best suggestion imo

"They find the lightsaber but don't recognize what it is. Their advantage could be that they call it out - giving the weapons dealer an opportunity to make a Lore check to see if they recognize it".

For the Despair, you absolutely should collaborate with your players for the Despair