Class Card Question

By qtpi6969, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark


Me and my friends recently purchased the board game and we wanted to make sure we were playing correctly.

My question regarding class cards is that if I were to purchase one with xp, do I get to keep my previous owned ones? Or would I need to discard the old one and use the new one I got by spending my xp point?

Is there a limit to how many class cards a hero can hold?

Edited by qtpi6969

If you buy a Class card, you keep it for the rest of the Campaign and you can't sell it again unless a specific rule allows you to do so. You are only limited by the amount of XP you get during a campaign. For heroes, this is typically 8 XP. The Overlord can get a lot more XP since he often gets one additional XP if he wins a quest. Still, he can't sell his old cards to regain XP and get new cards unless specific rule allows him to. In the Shadow rune, there is one Quest rewards which can trigger that.

So don't buy bad cards, you might regret it.

Of course, if everybody in your playgroup agrees, you can do the re-selling to test different skills and cards. Good for newcomers.

As a supplement to what Chaoticus said, the hero Arvel Worldwalker can shuffle which skills she has equipped using her Heroic Feat once per encounter. This is a good choice for an indecisive player that wants to try multiple different builds. This option is only available for Scouts, however.

There is also the item Archaic Scroll, which once per campaign allows any hero to return 2 class cards they've purchased for the equivalent XP. It is important to note however that while I usually house rule that new cards can be bought at the same time the Archaic Scroll is used, the official rules prohibit spending XP until after the shopping step of the campaign phase. This makes the item somewhat awkward to use. (i.e. Hero has to typically buy the scroll, spend an action on the scroll during a quest, play out the rest of the quest in a weakened state, and then buy new cards) It also makes the item do nothing in Epic play (another reason for the house rule)

Edited by Charmy

Thank you both :)