Introducing Darth Vader

By Underachiever599, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

So, the campaign I've been running hasbeen going on for around a year now. I have successfully turned one of the players to the Dark Side, and their character has been seeking out Vader, hoping to learn more about the Dark Side and grow in power. This weekend, they will finally be given the opportunity to join the Inquisitorious and learn under Vader himself.

With that in mind... How the heck should I go about playing Darth Vader as the GM? I'm sure a few of you have run into this issue before. I've already statted him out for my game. I'm not looking for stats, talents, or the like. I'm solely wondering how you guys go about actually role-playing as the man himself. How do you describe his actions during scenes? How do you make it truly feel like they're interacting with Vader, besides simply stating it?

I plan on rewatching the original trilogy this week and trying to pick up on Vader's mannerisms and speech patterns, but I was curious if anyone on here had some additional advice for me. Thanks in advance!

Distanced, try humor, hard shell, suffering, pain and hate under that shell.

So I would keep his interactions brief. He is not a fan of wasting his time. In this effects as well his assessment of potential assets. If he feels like a force user can be of use to him, sure he would use him, but the second he feels like this benefit to him is not valid anymore, he would plan to dispose of this asset as well.
The emperor does not really tolerate other Sith apprentices, only agents to be used, so Vader has to keep this in his mind, always.

With all its flaws, "The Force Unleashed" portraits this aspect of Vader rather good. Vader doesn't teach at all, he gives his agents opportunities to grow by sending them to suicide missions. Those who survive grow stronger and those who don't did not matter anyway.

He doesn't have a lot to say, and it's always to the point. Keep the player hungry and with a constant sense of needing to do more.

Got to feed that Dark side drive for knowledge and power!