How long does the average session last?

By Cab512, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

On 2/6/2018 at 8:26 AM, Split Light said:

we would routinely have 10 to 12 hour sessions

You mean 12 hour sessions on Saturday and Sunday. We only got 4 or 5 hours in on Friday.

Ah, those were the good ol' days. . . .

On 2/20/2018 at 11:18 PM, Dakkar98 said:

We Game on Sunday afternoons.

Plan is get together at 12:00, game until 6.

Actual is 2 players don't usually show until 1:30, we start at 2 or so and we game until 6.

On 3/13/2018 at 7:09 AM, nameless ronin said:

Not cool!

Currently for Star Wars it’s about 5-7 hours (depends mostly on what feels like a good moment to stop for the day) on Saturday afternoon. It really does come down to what works for the group though. I’ve had groups with 2.5-3 hour sessions (make sure you can start punctually with shorter sessions like that) twice per week, I’ve had groups with “all weekend, if we can organise it” meetups, groups that only do play-by-post for which the concept “session” is meaningless and everything in between.

For purposes of in-game effects that use sessions as timers (blech, but whatever since they do exist), if your sessions are 2 hours max or 5 hours at least I’d use 3-4 hours as one session’s worth for timing purposes.

It's OK. The late-comers are family and the are usually late because they are wrangling my 7 year-old great niece to bring along to play with my 9 year-old son. 4 of my 6 players are related to me by blood or marriage.

My players and I are in agreement that we play as long as our current "episode" lasts story-wise. We plan to minimize drag and focus on roleplaying an action-oriented story, so our playtime varies around an average of about 3-4 hours. Sessions with a lot of character moments usually last a bit longer because of us freestyling it, as do sessions where the dice let situations spiral out of control.