I was wondering how people were getting on with this quest (I'm playing catchup a little)? It's rated DL 8, and I've been using it to test a pair of Gondor decks based on Ld Denethor, Ld Boromir and T Imrahil paired with Ld Faramir, Sp Eowyn and Damrod. It's proving quite challenging.
What I find tough about the quest (apart from my inability to draw either Thror's Map or A Test of Will successfully) is that the treacheries and locations jointly attack allies, threat, and actions in a variety of ways. I've made it to the 3rd stage a few times and generally get overwhelmed by enemies in the last phases because (inevitably) I'll be hit by one too many treacheries that discard allies or threat me out. How are people coping with this quest in 2 players? It also has a pretty consistent addition of extra reveals each round (first phase it's at least 3 extra reveals for the rescues; second phase it's one per round; third phase it's a new enemy per round), and the locations are all featuring nasty travel effects bar the Cell. It is kicking me hard!
It's also an odd quest because many standard defender allies are useless in it, since their willpower is too low and so they either can't defend or die when doing so. I've found the new Defender of Cair Andros to be pretty handy, since his willpower is effectively 2 once you have the willpower boosts going.
I'll try to put the current versions of the decks into RingsDB and post them up, but perhaps I'm just attempting this quest with the wrong decks? Or is it really a proper DL 8?