Took a snowy day off work to head on down to our regionals at Myth Games in Calgary. Great showing with 22 players including some very skilled ones to I might add!
I had put in a lot of games for practice in December and January with the assumption that wave seven wouldn't be dropping by the time regionals rolled around. So I was pretty set on a JJ list with quasar, demo, raider, gozanti and 134 points of aces. I think it would have done well in wave 6, but as soon as I heard wave 7 was going to drop a few days ahead of the regionals I had some doubts... I thought most lists would feature a large base with strategic adviser and against those lists I would typically not enjoy an activation advantage. They could have 3 ships and still be on par with my list, meanwhile enjoying the firepower and endurance of a large base.
So I looked at going ISD, demo, gozanti, with SA and the same 134 of aces... A strong list for sure but those new wave heaven toys would mostly be sitting on the sidelines, and the kid in me wouldn't have it!
Spit balling some ideas with other community armada players for what wave seven would open up in terms of lists, commander abilities, etc, it became apparent that their were going to be a great many possibilities indeed... Raid, bail, Pryce, Raddus Bombs, Vader Cymoons, 2x larges, new squad hate, new squad love, interdictor buffs, the list was literally endless. Whatever was eventually going to emerge as THE card/combo of the wave, it was going to have a lot of tough competition. Even more, all of these ideas might be coming together right on top of our regionals.
With those reasons in mind I set about creating a list that got to play with some serious wave seven upgrades, and then just have fun with the list at regionals.
To be continued...