Just got into the game and went uthuk. Since the army painter set for uthuk wont ship till april i figured out the paints in it and ordered those online but decided to go with Barbarian Fleshtone instead of the flesh look on the box. That blue just doesnt look right for some reason for a desert tribe. Does anyone have experience with the ap washes and can recommend one to get a nice Bedouin style skin tone. And this is my first time paining minis(thank god armada is prepainted), so any advice would be helpful. Also thinking latari as a second army but thinking of Drow elves instead of forest elves. Any thoughts on that color scheme?
Uthuk advice.
I have the Army Painter mega set and Wash set, but I haven't really experimented with all the combinations. I have one Runewars hero (Sir Valadir, from the board game, not this miniatures game) that I painted with Barbarian Flesh and I believe I went Soft Tone wash on him instead of Strong Tone or Flesh Wash.
For darker skin using Army Painter I use Fur Brown, wash with flesh wash, and highlight with mixes of Fur Brown and Skeleton Bone. I did this for Saek and Karsus in my Shadespire Khorne Warband (2nd from left, 2nd from right):
If you don't go quite as far on the bone colour (I think the final highlights were pure bone), you can keep it a bit darker. Incidentaly, for comparison, the other guys have Barbarian Flesh as base colour.
An alternative to Fur Brown would be Tanned Flesh (I think that is how they call that).
Washing with Flesh Wash gives a natural warmth to the flesh which is key to dark skin tones in my opinion. Using a brown wash just looks dirty.