Need help with scene where the PCs control the overhead cranes in warehouse to help an ally

By kingpin000, in Game Masters

Hi there,

I am planning a scene where the PCs have access to the hanging control room of a massive warehouse and controlling the overhead cranes while an injured ally tries to flee from pirate troops through the maze of crates/containers. This will be some kind of vehicle vs. persons encounter. How would you handle this scene?

How to keep track the movement of the ally?
Which skill checks for the cranes?
How much damage does a falling crate/container?
What could be counter-measures of the pirates?

Thanks in advance

It depends on how involved you want this to be, and how many checks you want them to make.

If the character controlling the cranes is providing interference while his companion runs away, I'd have the that character make a Mechanics (or possibly Computers) check where for example the first S and every SS beyond the first adds a difficulty die to the pirates' Athletics check (I'm assuming a chase scene here) and every AA adds a setback die to same. Quick and easy.

If you want it to be more of a combat encounter, I'd say that dropping a crate on someone is an action that requires a Mechanics check as an attack roll, and does 10 + Successes damage to one pirate. For every AA on the check one additional pirate could end up under the same crate. I'd add the pirates' ranged defence as setback dice to the Mechanics check, as well as one or two additional setback dice to simulate the character having to eyeball precisely when a pirate is direcly below the crane; gives the PC some value for his XP if he's sunk points into the Gearhead talent.

I would use Computer to control the cameras, keep things operating, turn on the machinery, etc.

Cool for initiative and to keep the chasers from discovering the PC's involvement (possible vs Perception of chasers) and coming after them in the control room.

Perception to keep track of chasers on foot in the maze of crates (the vehicles should be obvious/visible through Computer).

Mechanics to alter the terrain in favor of the NPC; set up blind alleys, give the NPC a straight shot that closes before the chasers can close in, etc.

Athletics or Coordination if any attempt is made to drop containers on characters or vehicles, used in lieu of an attack roll. Alternately use Gunnery, as it best replicates a large attack mechanism not always under a character's direct control.

If multiple PCs are spread through different consoles, allow their success/failure to add boost or setback to other rolls. In that case, a leadership check would also help the group at large to coordinate their efforts and give a face character something to contribute beyond a good Cool skill.

On 2/4/2018 at 4:20 PM, kingpin000 said:

How to keep track the movement of the ally?
Which skill checks for the cranes?
How much damage does a falling crate/container?
What could be counter-measures of the pirates?

Thanks in advance

  1. At what range band does the ally have to be from the pursuers and what skill test does the ally have to pass (Stealth? Skulduggery? Coordination? Athletics?) in order to have escaped them? All you need to track is what range band the ally is from the pursuer and ensure that the pursuer can't close the distance.
  2. It's remote controlling machinery, so Computers vs. Coordination. With three or more Advantages, the crate causes a Critical Injury.
  3. Depends on the size of the crate. Small crates = light blaster rifle, medium crate = medium blaster rifle, heavy crate = heavy blaster rifle.
  4. Coordination.