Stun, brawl, minions & rivals.

By Eoen, in Game Masters

I hate the fact that if I shoot someone on stun or go for non lethal damage while brawling with a minion or rival, the GM I’m currently playing with usually kills them because “they don’t take strain.”

Meanwhile I’m looking at jail time...

Stun should be non lethal on minions and rivals in my opinion.

Edited by Eoen

Hmm. Seems to me they might be taking too literal an interpretation of RAW. Minions don't have strain as a primarily narrative streamlining function, to represent how weak they. Clearly they shouldn't be treated as dead dead for narrative purposes.

Yeah, taking someone out via Strain doesn't have to mean they die. It can if the GM wants it to, but just as easily, it could mean they pass out, or they retreat, or they shut off (if a droid), etc. I don't have a page reference, but the CRBs all call this out explicitly.

Tell your gm to reread EotE core pages 216&218.

Key point being how with minions and rivals "strain is applied to thier wound threshold" meaning strain just counts on the same pool, it doesn't turn into wounds.

And how crits with stun weapons applied to minions still remove them from play, but it says they are KOed, not killed. (Breakout box on pg 218)

Get a new GM. The one you have is broken.

Seriously, any sensible GM would accept that you are making a decision not to kill your opponents, and go with that.

I'm actually curious as to how your gm would deal with scathing tirade... :D

9 hours ago, Eoen said:

I hate the fact that if I shoot someone on stun or go for non lethal damage while brawling with a minion or rival, the GM I’m currently playing with usually kills them because “they don’t take strain.”

Meanwhile I’m looking at jail time...

Stun should be non lethal on minions and rivals in my opinion.

Your GM is dumb.

2 hours ago, oneeyedmatt87 said:

I'm actually curious as to how your gm would deal with scathing tirade... :D

Gm: You're captured and all your gear impounded. You're in a cell wearing nothing but an orange jumpsuit.

Player: I call the guard.

GM: Ok...after a few minutes of yelling a stormtrooper opens the door and says 'what do you want, prisoner?'

Player: I insult him so hard, he dies.

Yeah I think the Strain mechanic is both really cool and can be really problematic at times. Strain allows for some great descriptions of states of being for the character based on how they lost that Strain. I think it's a good idea to have the effect of the person running out of Strain be in context with how they lost that strain.

Strain Powering Abilities = Fatigued, No Ideas, Analysis Paralysis, Perceiving the move as an automatic failure, Unable to Focus

Stun Weapons = Unconscious, Stunned

Brawl = Knocked Out, Inhibited by Pain, Fear, or Had their Breath Knocked Out

Social Skill = Dumbfounded, Quieted, Distressed, Embarrassed

Exertion = Fatigued to the point of pain or needing to rest, Fear of Injury

Threat = Any of the Above but in context of the roll that produced the Threat/Despair

Great list, Archlyte! Don't forget about the enemy simply running away, too. That would work for a lot of those situations, too.

38 minutes ago, SavageBob said:

Great list, Archlyte! Don't forget about the enemy simply running away, too. That would work for a lot of those situations, too.

Thank you very much :) Man I wish I would have thought of running away. I feel silly for that omission.