I'm just trying to get a consensus in this section of the forum of how much Epic is played and how much is theorycrafted.
I know we all love discussing combos, lists, interactions, and other aspects of the Epic format, but do you get to play it often? Do you get to play as often as you want to? Do you find yourself in an area where people don't have an interest in Epic?
Since TLJ dropped, I've gotten three games of Epic in and have one going on tomorrow for about four games within a month and a half. I think it's safe to say that I get to play it often, but not necessarily as often as I want to (I'd rather be playing Epic every week...), and I am lucky enough to have a gaming group that will throw down a bunch of models for the Epic format if I pester them enough.
Beyond the initial answers, what can we do as fans/a community of Epic players to get more games of Epic in? What can FFG do for us?