First game

By Bradders77, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

Hi, i played netrunner last night for tge first time with the new revised core.

I was weyland corp. How does the transaction work to gain money? Do i claim every time i pay to res ice or any other transaction?

Thank you

Any Operation is just a single event—analogous to a Sorcery in MTG. You play it, get the money, it goes away.

Rezzing Ice is not a Transaction, it is a keyword found only on Operation type cards.

Grab a Hedge Fund or Beanstalk Royalties Corp card - it'll say Operation: Transaction. This is explaining the card type (operation) and any keywords (transaction).

So when playing as Weyland, Building a Better World Corp ID you gain a credit when you play a card that has the transaction keyword (there's another in the revised core to look out for too) - so Hedgefund yields a total of 10 credits rather than 9 and Beanstalk royalties yields 4 credits rather than 3.

Just remember that other IDs don't have this effect so don't forget how many credits you'll get if you're used to playing Building a Better World!

I hope you're enjoying the game.