Cannot access any official Game Tools

By scubalicious, in The FFG Website

Hey everybody,

since some months I am no longer able to use the official Game Tools, such as Descent Quest Vault or BattleLore Scenario Builder, over at

Also direct links to the tools are not working for me, like

I am always getting an error 504 as you can see in the attached file.

At first, I thought that there is some technical problem with the FFG site, but it has not fixed since 6 months or so.

I tried using various browsers and PCs - with no success.

Is anybody in this forum able to help me?

Thanks in advance!

ffg tools.jpg

I think the problem is possibly on your end, I can access the vault just fine (though it hasn't been updated in many months.)

Try the quest links in this thread. Any difference?

Thank you for your response.

Unfortunately, I still only get the same error shown, no matter which machine (own desktop, own laptop, raspberry, work laptop, work workstation) or browser (Firefox, Chrome, IE, Edge) I use.

Is there maybe an account setting that needs to be switched?

I also wrote an email to [email protected] on January 2, but have not gotten any response til now - so I assume the mail inbox is not used anymore. Is there another email I could use to get in touch with FFG/Asmodee for technical issues?

Ok, so I just tried to create a new account and see if it works.

And it did indeed work! (Yeah, I should have thought about creating a new account earlier...) This is interesting - so it has to be an account issue. It did, however, work in May/June '17 as I downloaded some of the Scenarios and Quests. Maybe the account got flagged as inactive or as a bot? I do not know, but this seems kinda strange to me and some FFG-/Asmodee-techs should probably look into the matter (other account for reference: scubarizzle).

I am happy as I can access the tools again :)
