Hi, so a close friend of mine likes to play IA Skirmish with me, he's deep into another game we play and I'm deep into this one so we like to share our components and it saves both of us a lot of time and storage. I've been working on building two competitive lists for the upcoming tourney season out of just my components and wanted to run them by you all. We've done this a few times in the past successfully at local tournaments and it has definitely gotten easier the more pieces that have come out (and fixing old characters!).
My goal with these two lists is basically to stay as polar opposites to try and make sure we don't have any unit or command card overlap, seems pretty obvious. Here are the lists:
Han and Chewie - This is the list I will run
11 Chewbacca w/ Wookie Avenger
10 Han Solo w/ Rogue Smuggler
5 Jyn
4 Hera
3 Gideon
3 R2D2
2 C-3P0
2 Alliance Smuggler
CC List:
3 On the Lam
3 Debts Repaid
2 I make my Own Luck
2 Run for Cover
1 Smuggled Supplies
1 Negation
1 Blitz
0 Element of Surprise
0 Planning
0 Take Initiative
0 Urgency
0 Positioning Advantage
0 Officers Training
0 Celebration/Toxic Dart
We've seen variations of this list popping up all over the internet at different regionals. Once they fixed Han and Chewie I knew I was going to run at least one, Jyn has always been a huge favourite of mine both in the campaign and skirmish and I love support characters like Hera, R2 and RCP. I've been back and forth on plugging Jedi Luke into this list, which changes the landscape of the command cards somewhat. But I love the fact that Chewie is not only an absolute beast but synergizes with this build so much better than Luke. I've played a few test games so far with Chewie and I've found he needs to be played aggressively and trying to utilize that free slam to finish off figures with the unmitigated damage. Is he better than Luke at cost of figure vs value? No. But is he better than Luke in THIS list? I think so. What do you think? In my Luke variation it is basically the same as what everyone else is running except I use RHC instead of a second Smuggler, so it drops the activations from 8 to 7 but maintains that extra card draw.
I know lots of people are running the multiple Smugglers, and if I really thought it was a difference maker I'd go out and buy another one, but right now I'd like to try and just build the lists with what I have. I love having command cards, I find that I've always done best running lists that have the ability to draw more cards than their opponent and that is where R2 comes in. I also love that R2's card draw is instant.
Vaders Wild
13 Vader w/ DBH
8 Palpatine
7 Terro
7 E. Jet Trooper
2 R. Officer
2 R. OFficer
1 Zillo
CC list:
3 Grenadier
2 Overrun
2 Call the Vanguard
2 Force Surge
1 Tough Luck
1 Force Jump
1 Deathblow
1 Face to Face
1 Dark Energy
1 Ferocity
0 Element of Surprise
0 Planning
0 Rally
0 Take Initiative
0 Force Rush
My friend has experience playing with Terro and Jets, he really loves both units so it seemed natural to build them into this list. I think this is a pretty good build in that you get a bit of the twin towers up front effect with Palp in the back throwing orders around and being able to take quite a bit of damage himself. This list you either rush both right up the middle into the action or can split them to get a good dual push for objective control. If they focus Vader, Terro will spam his AOE, if they focus Terro he will drop faster than Vader, but it will still give Vader the freedom he needs to do some serious damage.'
I really like the Jet Troopers for dmg and/or objective control and the officers are great to run objectives and help move figures around the board, especially off the hop. Most importantly to me they can hold terminals to help with card draw. Zillo is well Zillo, will help keep everyone alive a little longer, especially with all the black die on this list.
The command cards are a bit of a challenge with this list because there are so many different traits going on, so that is one thing I don't like about it.. but on the flip side when you have Zillo, cards in your hand are never useless even if all of the characters that can use it are gone..
One last list I was looking at instead of Terro is basically the same as what RL was running in his thread, I love the synergy of the command cards for these units.
Heavy Metal Palp
10 E. Sentry Droid
8 Palpatine
7 E. Jet Trooper
2 R. Officer
2 R. Officer
1 Zillo
CC List:
3 Grenadier
3 Lure of the Dark Side
2 Overrun
2 Repair
2 Call the Vanguard
1 Shared Experience
1 Armed Escort
1 Fuel Upgrade
0 Element of Surprise
0 Planning
0 Rally
0 Take Initiative
0 Urgency
0 Ready Weapons
0 Targeting Network
This list is all about getting the AT-DP in position and keeping it alive by adding to its defense and repairing damage. Then using Palp and hopefully good card draw to hand out extra attacks. If they focus the AT-DP then you can pincer with the Sentry Droids and Jet Troopers, if they ignore the AT-DP they are going to get blown up. I really love how the command cards synergize between the Jets, Droids and AT-DP. Again though as with most Imp lists, its a list that really relies on those protective command cards to be effective but doesn't have a lot of card draw :/