Here is a thread to list some cool tips, tricks and hints that you have used or seen in epic play. Some might be cool combinations of upgrades that create powerful combos, but others might simply be cards or pilots that are rarely seen in standard play, but are very powerful in epic. I will start :
Non-faction specific
Quad laser cannons and tactician : after that enemy fighter made its initial attack run, nothing will complexify its life more than the potential of 2 stress from a quad laser cannon.
Decoy, swarm tactics or Roark : anything that can boost the PS rating of a huge ship and trigger all of its weapon systems before the enemy can fire can make a huge difference.
Courier droid : place that epic ship at PS8. Positionning is very important.
Scrambler missile : practically unused in standard format, the scrambler missile can stop an alpha strike if fired early. With a good asteroid placement, this might mitigate a lot of damage.
Captain Kagi (no upgrades required): nothing screws up a standard missile or torpedo alpha strike quite as well as Kagi, especially if your opponent is using long range scanners or sensor team. At 10 hull/shield, he can blunt an alpha strike and at PS8, he might just fire too!
Dormitz with 2 Hypwerave Comm Caster : start closer to the enemy huge ship and let the rest of your fleet spawn with 2 focus or evades.
Upsilon-class shuttle with FCS, targeting synchroniser and weapon engineer : preferably followed by bombers, this little shuttle can fire, get target locks and then help those missiles / torpedoes launch at their maximum potential. Use of swarm tactics might help this combo fire faster.
Howlrunner or Captain Jonus escorting a Raider : free rerolls, always fun.
Tie defender / D with tractor beam and ruthlessness : repetitive splash damage, repositionning your opponent, lowered agility and can be a pain to destroy. Having multiple of those can start to get really nasty.
Rebel Alliance
Maul on a CR-90 : Infinite rerolls on attacks.
Han (crew) or Esege escorting a CR-90 : transform those focuses into hits.
CR-90, single turbo laser and Baze : want to destroy a high agility target, but already used the primary attack? Fire at another elusive target with the single turbo laser, hope to miss and then trigger Baze to fire at your real target afterwards.
Green squadron pilot, trick shot, A-Wing test pilot, selflessness, chardaan refit : at 18 points, this ship can absorb a huge blow thanks to selflessness. If it can absorb a 6 or 7 hit attack from a CR-90 that targets your Nym, then it just saved the day.
Nym with trajectory simulator and bomb(s) of your choice : this one is pretty obvious. The Rebel ability to delay a bomb explosion can really help to block off a corridor.
Captain Rex : assign the suppressive fire condition to an epic ship. He’ll probably die, but if the enemy has to focus on a 14 point ship, that still plays in your favor.
Azmorigan and courrier droid : place your huge ship at PS 8, transform the courrier droid into Vizago who transforms one of your cargo into something else. Transform Azmorigan into something else. Not necessarilly an optimal combo, but it surely is adaptive.
Vaksai with tracer, guidance ship and munition failsafe : the ship is relatively good and the missile is free. If it hits then you are looking at a target lock for all allies, making an interesting alpha strike at PS2. Having more than one Vaksai might be advisable.
Unkar, Vizago and cloaking device : cloak and transform your cloaking device into a dead man switch. On the next round, decloak, jump in the middle of the formation and act as a blocker, inflicting tractor beam tokens. You would be surprised at how long Unkar can last when the enemy does not want to take some splash damage in the face.