"Living Galaxy" Project (Freight Jobs, Bounties, Black Market, Group Management)

By MasterZelgadis, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Don't know, have to check that

Sorry, the last weeks I had many other things to do. Why did no one tell me, that the NPC page was broken? ;)

Anyways.. fixed now. And I think I can continue with the project soon

At least I finally entered all of the player professoins into the profession table for NPCs, so now you can also create your players there ("mark as player character" coming soon) or let NPCs have these professions :)

Sooo.. new mini-feature from your (short ^^) wish list. Player Characters are now marked by a golden outline on their ID-Card. And when you create a new (N)PC you can now choose which player of your group controls him, making him a player character.

By the way, the "Fire" button does not delete the character, but makes it an NPC (if it was a player character) and puts it on the Job Board for NPCs. So other groups can hire your fired character as an NPC


Edited by MasterZelgadis

And the job board where you can hire generated npcs is finished, too. At the moment you can only hire humans and corellians (+ a few handmade characters of other races), because I have only names lists suited for humans and corellians).

When you are the GM of your group you can hire them just by clicking their ID card. A green outline should appear. After that the npc card should appear in your Personnel page.


And another late (at least for the german timezone..) but big update. Well, not a big update, but an update about a big feature, I hope (hehe)

Without telling too much, just watch the image ;)


Well.. not a beauty, just a script output. But what you see here is the warafe script (or civil war script) planning attacks and fortifying planet garrisons. Well, at least that's what it is able to do now.
I started by making random attacks on random planets. When I had that finished, I realised that wasn't enough, so I made it a bit bigger :)
Ao now we have planets with values for imperial and rebel presence, and (ground) battles will be fought based on that values. I even use the star wars dice system (basically 3 green vs 3 purple, with the values for own faction presence as blue dice and the value for enemy presence as black dice), with the outcome influencing the battle. (ground battle in (), because if enemy presence is too strong or faction has no presence on the planet, an available fleet or task force is ordered to the target planet to help in the fight via bombardement... if you ask me.. pretty cool stuff :) )

Next planned are the actual attacks, planetary blockades, attacks on blockades.. And of course the corresponding galaxy-wide news messages resulting from all those actions.

This will make the galaxy a little bit more "living", because all of you of course will be able to see those events and use them in your game ;)

Stay tuned.. (and please give me some feedback, I feel pretty alone in this thread ;) )

PS: Did I say "without telling much"? Well... it was a trap :D

Im gonna look into the stuff you’re working on tomorrow (late here aswell, in norway). Looks really interesting:)

Looking forward for your feedback :)

Meanwhile... Sabotage missions! :)


And now the events are displayed on an news page. Release for all will be, when I have some more diversity in the events, such as attacks, space combat, and so on.. now...why wait :)


Edited by MasterZelgadis

wow wow wow, I've been away from the forum for only a short while and all of this happened, this looks amazing!!!

I can't wait to be able to use this with my group.

Nice to hear :)
Be advised: The news page is still work in progress. Because there is nothing to do except from reading, I have set it to public. But there are still just two news types, and while developing I will do multiple database wipes.

Added the sabotage mission for enemy ships. An infiltrator will now try to infiltrate an enemy fleet and destroy a ship (random: dreadnought, cruiser, light cruiser, frigate or corvette, with the smallest chance to pick a dreadnought and the greatest chance to pick a corvette). Difficulty of course scaling with ship size.

If the fleet has lost ships greater than a threshold, the fleet must go into a repair status, not being available for other missions.

Also added the C-ROC to the ship database, because one group chose a gozanti, naming it C-ROC. Also changed that in the ships entry of that group, hope that was ok

Anyway we can get a bit more variety on the ship list? I personally plan on giving my group the E-9 Explorer but it's not on the list yet. Great work so far man, keep it up!

Will add it tomorrow

E-9 has been added to the list. Be advised, if you already have created a ship, you have to delete it and create a new one, there is no edit mode at the moment.

Also another teaser for another news item. The space battle. Only the output of the control script. Enjoy :)


Another one with rolls added to the output



And now the corresponding news enrty..


Hey guys, long time no update. Unfortunately nothing too fancy today either, but I was away from this project a few weeks. But now I continue this. First topic: complete the news page and event system. There are already quite a few event types, but also a few other types in planning. And then the system can be automated, to generate some events every day or so.. stay tuned, updates will come more frequently again ;)

Okay, as promised, here another update. I finished the ground battle event. Unlike the space battle event this is in two parts (imperial attacks and rebel attacks) for some text variety.


This whole endeavor is nothing short of amazing. It's going to be very cool to use with my group.

do you have any plans to add stats to NPCs? You could have more skilled characters cost more to hire.

1 hour ago, dgamal01 said:

This whole endeavor is nothing short of amazing. It's going to be very cool to use with my group.

do you have any plans to add stats to NPCs? You could have more skilled characters cost more to hire.

Yes, npcs will get some basic skills, but nothing too fleshed out, just some sort of skill level on their jobs. Momentarily I have inserted some npcs manually, have to implement the automatic generation (still have problems to generate suitable names..)
But the whole payment is totally up to you and your group at the moment, so the credit value is more some kind of...guideline ^^

Meanwhile the "attack on planet" event type is completed, and as ever... I am not satisfied with it. This is how it works. Every planet has a presence value for imperials and rebels, and both sides can attack planets based on these values. If the difference is too big, a fleet is called in to support from the orbit. if the attack is successful, the enemy presence value will be decreased (by the number of successes).

Currently I change this system. This is how it will be: On every planet there can be different facilities. Garrisons, bases, resistance cells, factories, cities, and so on. Every type of facility can be built and then attacked by the enemy. Each facility has a value for troop presence and defense. If a faction builds/establishes a facility on a planet, it gets a presence value according to a base value + successes + advantages.
Which facilities can be built depends on how high the presence value on that planet already is. If it is at 0 there can only imperial garrisons and rebel resintance cells be built. With higher values (and more troops) there can then be factories, bases, and so on.

Each faction can then attack enemy facilities, damaging or destroying them, or try to infiltrate and take control over them.

This means the simple "attack / assault" event is split up into four separate events. Also the target of the attacks are now more versatile (base, hidden base, supply base, checkpoint, factory, ...) rather than just imperial garrison or rebel cell.

But, pictures are better than words, so here the obligatory screenshot :)


Edited by MasterZelgadis

...aand to prevent this system from getting too confusing: Planet Status page :)
(of course still work in progress)


They can not only build, they can also repair what was damaged :)


And the planet status page got a little addition, now you can see what facilities are damaged, offline (not visible in this shot) and which ones are in repair mode.


Hey, again a long time without update. I had some other things to do, but now back on the project..

I paused the development on the event mechanism to come back to player bases. Not quite satisfied with the look of the module / room list, but nevertheless added a very basic function. The function to add decks and rooms, and of course remove them again. Goes without saying, that only the GM can configure bases and rooms.

Each room "widget" shows the type of the room, the responsible officer, the amount of crew working there, damage status and power level. Not sure if I stick with these status, but for now they are in there..


Also did some improvements that were more under the hood, like shrinking the count of cronjobs for the event system from 5 to 1. that one now controls all the other jobs (cronjobs are limited by my webhosting service provider)..

Edited by MasterZelgadis