"Living Galaxy" Project (Freight Jobs, Bounties, Black Market, Group Management)

By MasterZelgadis, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

Hi players and GMs

I just wanted to share my progress on my "Living Galaxy" project. You can see it via

https://starwars.rpg-duelmen.de (.de, but switchable to english ;) )

Many of the nice things you can see only when registered (with registration currently deactivated) , but you can see the latest visible progress in the GM board Thread: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/264068-job-boards/?do=findComment&comment=3152270

Just a little teaser now, I will enable registration for public when I have added some more data, like ship images and stats.
Please ignore the main page "Galaxy News", this was just for my group and will be substituted by a new news system.

It will be a tool for players and GMs to take part in a galaxy with some shared elements between multiple player groups.

Currently there are continously generated freight jobs you can do with your ships, but also see NPC groups completing some of the jobs.
These are all generated via a scripted engine. Currently they are all random, but I plan changing this to a more credible system, based on planetary imports and exports.

Currently you can create a group, invite other players to your group, create ships, confirm jobs, and complete jobs.
It's up to the GM to fill this process with some fluff, for example a pirate attack or other events. Also the GM should keep track of the money earned at each job, currently there is a payment listed with each job, but there is no track of earned and spent money.

Future development plans include:
- News system for events (pirate attacks, imperial assaults, rebel ambushes, stellar events, ...) you can include in your campaign
- Optimized algorithms to generate the freight jobs based on planet economy
- Bounty Board
- Illegal jobs
- Creation of a player base with configurable modules
- Creation of ships that will work like an npc ship, but are bound to a player base, generating income
- Some ways to spend money (ship and base upgrades)
- More planets ;)

nice to have:
- More options to interact with other player groups and NPC groups
- A way to track earned and spent money
- Hyperspace jump calculator (NPC groups already use a simple calculation for travel and loading times)
- A way for other players / GMs / groups to contribute story parts for the living galaxy, maybe make some vents they had in their sessions appear in the galaxy wide news

Please let me know whether such a living galaxy page would be a nice addition for your group or whether you are not interested in such a thing (or if you would be more interested if xy would be implemented)

Edited by MasterZelgadis

Wow dude. This is amazing.

Be sure to let us know when you open up registration again.

I will :)

Maybe today or tomorrow

I will register, this sounds amazing!


Just a little how to:

After registering you can visit the "User Control" to found a new group (you will be GM then) or invite users to your group. As a player you will find your group invites here. The page should be self explanatory, please contact me here, if you need further information.

On the ship page you can create one or more ships belonging to your group. The list is far from complete, drop me a message, if you really need a specific ship type.

On the Holonet page you can confirm jobs or job positions. Please watch the encumbrance of the jobs, you should not confirm jobs that exceed the maximum encumbrance of your ship (though you can).

On the ship page you then find the job positions you confirmed:


Please note, that you cannot load any cargo into your ship as long as your ship is not present at the pickup location. Click the green marked planet to travel there or choose your destination via the dropdown box above and confirm with the green chevron button.


The system models "realistic" travel times that are based on the distance and the hyperdrive class on your ship. GMs may skip the travel time via the purple double arrow button (for use in game sessions). Only the GM will see this button.


After arriving on the planet you can load the cargo by clicking the green starship button.


You can unload cargo by clicking the green planet button. To deliver the cargo you have to travel to the jobs destination.


Note, that you cannot do any cargo operations when in transit.


After arriving at the destination you can deliver the cargo and your GM can pay out the credits you earned.

There is no tracking of the credits now, but maybe in the future I will implement a feature to track and use the money. When the bases feature is complete you will be able to spend the money on that, and be able to generate income with npc ships. But that's still a bit in the future ;)

I joined up with my F&D group, although we are playing 15 BBY we would still like to be part of the world and use your site for jobs board :)

Next Monday we will play our trip from our hideout in the Smuggler's Run, to Delaya in the Alderaan system, where we plan to make our new base for our newly created "grey jedi order".

Welcome :)
I think I will change some of the dates, so they will be more relative (3 days ago, in 2 weeks, ...) than with a fixed year. I think I will keep the sync between game and real life days and months though, to make some things easier (especially deadlines)

Activated registration yesterday, 1 night (at least here in germany) passed without things exploding. That's good :)

I noticed you have ships in transit to other planets, as GM you can skip the travel time with the purple button behind the travel time. just in case you didn't see it.

And another little teaser ;)


I'm really close to having the bases feature implemented. But friday is my birthday and wednesday is my pathfinder roll20 session. Lots of other work. So don't expect any great progress this week. But next week you should be able to manage your own fully configurable base, repair and upgrade rooms and modules designated to it, and populate it with crew and special npcs that run the base.. Stay tuned ;)

Continuing to work on the bases feature this week.

Just for your information, deleted two groups with their ships today. Please consider choosing group- and ship names that fit into the star wars universe. "Test" is not such a name. I will periodically take a look into the database and delete inappropriate groups

A little lifesign from the project. Bases feature got a little stuck, because I realised I need another feature before the bases. NPCs!
You can hire these NPCs and assign them to stations and station modules to make them work more efficiently. Also the ship page will be modified, so the captain will not only be a name in an input field, but rather a character you can create there. Stay tuned...more cool things to come...


And another quick status update before I go to bed...

Thanks @Squirrelsan for the inspiration, I hope I am allowed to copy your design here (if not, let me know..)


Just a small feature, but an important one. If you are invited to a group now you get notified. Also changed a few code lines, so now you can create ships and groups with german umlauts..yay :)


So... Any feedback from you?

On 15/02/2018 at 9:01 PM, MasterZelgadis said:

And another quick status update before I go to bed...

Thanks @Squirrelsan for the inspiration, I hope I am allowed to copy your design here (if not, let me know..)


Nice. What did you change the title text to (I'm too lazy to translate it myself ;) )?

Original post here if anyone else wants the artwork:

"Imperial ID Card"

This looks like the sort of stuff that has been developed for the Traveller RPG. I strongly recommend paying a visit to Traveller Tools:


and picking up the Traveller supplements 760 Patrons, Revised Edition; Campaign Guide; Starport Encounters; and Adventure Seeds.

Hm, no, I think this is something different. With travellertools you can generate certain things, but on my site I generate things, you can use them as background in your games.

But I will take a look at these supplements, thanks

With the npc job board nearly done, it was time for a page to manage your hired personnel. et voila:


This is what the GM sees, of course, as a player you can't edit here.

Now I have to add a ton of NPCs, then I can remove the WIP mode and release both pages for you to use :)

I just removed the WIP mode from the Personnel page. You can now create (basic) NPCs. Just a name, race, profession and payment (money tracking is still the GMs job, no effect here).

When I have generated some more NPCs I will also unlock the NPC Job Board where you can hire pregenerated NPCs. Maybe your group is looking for an NPC to do a special job, like cooking? Here is the place to look for him ;)

Oh, I will extend the list of professions and races, give me some time for that ;)
In the meantime you could give me a lit of professions, you really want to see there. I plan to implement the professions from the books, but maybe you find more for me

Have fun and I would appreciate some feedback

I suggest that you use the NPC cards to portray PC's too, maybe with a gold or ivory color card. Right now I used the NPCs as PCs.
Could also use a history of where the ship was, what it unloaded and loaded, and how much they got payed, at the specific location and a sum.

Hired NPC board is a great idea!

Nice idea. Actually I have already prepared that ;)


But I wanted to implement the player bases feature first, which needed the NPCs as a prerequisite.
For the PCs I am still thinking about whether I keep it simple like the NPCs or allow some more info up to a full character sheet. But I think i will keep it fairly simple (Name, race, gender, profession)

History is a feature I hoped I would not have to think about.. but maybe I can implement that, too. But at the moment that is very low on the list

Edited by MasterZelgadis
4 hours ago, MasterZelgadis said:

History is a feature I hoped I would not have to think about.. but maybe I can implement that, too. But at the moment that is very low on the list

Isn't the database has a log you can generate from?