As we may never get to see Reins of Power (darn!--though I'm still hoping), it would be nice to see a Fortress America remake. This was my favorite of all the MB games. It should be updated to take in the new geopolitical situation in the world, new technology, etc (perhaps including cyberwarfare), but overall the basic structure of the game would stay the same. I always found this a tense, exciting contest with the game often not decided until the last die roll of the last turn. Fantastic fun.
For that matter, why not a similar game based on cyberwarfare; a player wins by shutting down all the essential elements of an opponents infrastructure: economy, power grid, transportation, etc, by hacking into their computer nets. Given that America is being attacked constantly and President Trump has just created a new cyberdefense agency, it would seem this would make for a very timely game. Cyberfortress America!