Reboot: Fair use of cycled-out cards (casual play)

By Dice lord, in Android: Netrunner The Card Game

How do ppl use the cycled-out cards from the original core and the early cycles in a casual play setting? Playing against a new player with limited access to early cards so want to be fair and fun.

Ideas -

1. Any cycled out card could always have an influence cost e.g. the printed cost when used in faction and the cost +1 when out of faction (or if neutral).

2. Max number of cycled out cards per deck e.g. capped at 6 cards.

3. Individual cycled out cards are limited e.g. 1 per deck.

Just don’t. Sorry, that’s how I feel. If you’re playing against a new player who’s playing with recent releases, then a level playing field is to use what that player has access to.

I think holding off using them to start is a wise move; moving to a joint draft cube would add some variety whilst keeping it an even playing field when a change of pace is needed. Thanks both.

Using rotated cards like this seems a hassle that’s not worth it.