Help Identifying Sets for a few cards + Singles Sales?

By AllWingsStandyingBy, in Star Wars: The Card Game


I'm looking to acquire three cards from this game:

Lando Calrissian (the one in his General's uniform in the cockpit of the Falcon)
Nien Nunb (I assume there is only one?)
Millennium Falcon (the art of it leaving Cloud City)

Try as I might, I haven't been easily able to ascertain what sets these cards come in to know which to buy. Most online images are too small for me to make out any set identifier text (which I assume is that stuff on the bottom right). If anyone could tell me which three sets those cards come in, that would be fantastic. Also, since the nature of the deck-building in this game is linked to blocks, I assume it's not possible to find singles anywhere, or is it? Really, just looking for these three cards for a different project. Thanks!

Edited by AllWingsStandyingBy

This is probably the best card database currently available.

The Lando is from the Rogue Squadron cycle, Ready for Takeoff pack. Objective set number 142.

Nien Nunb is from the Oppositions cycle, Meditation and Mastery pack. Objective set number 243.

Falcon is from the Edge of Darkness deluxe expansion. Objective set number 72.