Core Set
Above Question
Excuse me, samurai-san, but you must be mistaken! It could not possibly have been her.
Adept of Shadows
There are dozens of ways to hide, and only one way to be seen.
Adept of the Waves
Water is flexible and yielding, yet none can withstand the crashing waves.
Admit Defeat
It is not only a question of defeating one's opponents, but defeating them in such a manner that they know they have been beaten.
Akodo Toturi
A lion is more than his roar, his mane, his teeth, his heart. A lion is all of these.
Against the Waves
Water is ever changing. A gentle wave one moment and a torrent of force the next.
Aggressive Moto
Moto can die but cannot yield.
Ancestral Lands
Our claim on these lands stretches back to the dawn of the Empire.
Art of Peace, The
One does not always need to kill to be victorious. - Kakita's The Sword
Art of War, The
Let your enemy see what he wishes to see, so that he will underestimate you. - Akodo's Leadership
Bayushi Liar
I sincerely doubt that asking you to trust me will change your mind, and yet, I ask anyway.
Bayushi Manipulator
Victory does not always go to the strongest of two opponents. - Bayushi's Lies
Bayushi Shoju
Believing what is true is only sensible.
Blackmail Artist
The real art lies in convincing your mark that you are bound, by duty and honor, to expose him. At which point, buying you off becomes his idea.
Border Rider
Ride to the horizon and back again. Only then will you begin to comprehend the Unicorn.
Borderlands Defender
Even when faced with such hardship, the Crab Clan has never wavered, standing steadfast in its duty to protect the southern border of the Empire.
Brash Samurai
A samurai lives at all times three feet from death.
Captive Audience
Now you must heed our demands!
Cautious Scout
They told him to be careful, but there was only one way to know for sure.
A samurai must also be ready. Reday to fight. And ready, if need be, to die.
City of Lies
In Ryoko Owari Toshi, koku could pave any road.
Contingency Plans
The only thing that is certain is that something will go wrong. - Bayushi's Lies
Daidoji Nerishima
It's an ambush! Be ready!
I shall redeem my name in service to my clan!
Doji Challenger
I hope you are prepared to defend your words with steel!
Doji Hotaru
Were it not for the rule of ko, we would be trapped in this game for eternity. We are nearly perfectly matched.
Doji Whisperer
Lean closer, that I might tell you something only the willows should hear ...
Eager Scout
The first to fight, the first to die.
Entitled Warrior
In heart, air. In spirit, earth. In sword, fire. In body, water. In mind, void.
Entrenched Position
It would take an entire Moto horde to break through here.
Favored Niece
Not once in her life had she needed to ask twice.
Fertile Fields
Inari-no-Kami smiles upon these lands. - Aiko, priestess of Inari
Fiery Madness
They had considered every possible vulnerability, save one.
Fine Katana
Immprtal steel waits/Venerated divine blade/The fires of the soul
For Greater Glory
Our names shall never be forgotten!
Funeral Pyre
We speed our fallen to Meido, that they do not rise again.
Guest of Honor
You wouldn't want to disgrace yourself in front of our distinguished guest, would you?
Guidance of the Ancestors
Oh blessed ancestors, hear my prayer! May the strength of your honor guide my steps and lead me to righteousness.
Height of Fashion
The tides of fashion ebb and flow. Stay ahead of them, or sink beneath the waves of obscurity.
Hida Kisada
What need have I of glory to defend this Wall?
Hiruma Yojimbo
Enemies learned quickly: it was never wise to give her reason to draw that awful blade.
I Can Swim
But scorpion! Now we will both die!
Ikoma Prodigy
She was destined to follow the path ofher ancestors, thr path of the true Go sage.
Intimidating Hida
Is that all you've got?
Isawa Masahiro
The kami are my allies. How can you hope to stand against me?
Ishiken Initiate
The void is nothing. The void is everything.
Iuchi Wayfinder
Chase the sun. Discover the world.
Kakita Kaezin
For the coward, there is no life. For the hero, there is no death.
Kitsuki's Method
Every detail, no matter how small, carries its own implications of the truth.
Let Go
The material world is but a distraction.
Every clan must aid in the defense of Rokugan.
Lion's Pride Brawler
Let me put it another way.
Manicured Garden
The perfect garden maintains all five elements in harmony.
Matsu Berserker
When the rage surged forth, none could stand against them.
Meishodo Wielder
I know the kami's Name. I can bend it to my will.
Mirumoto Prodigy
Each new opponent showed her more of herself.
Miya Mystic
Most of my family speak to the citizens of the Empire. I speak to the kami of the land itself.
Moto Horde
Felled by swordsor trampled by hooves: to face them was to face death.
Moto Youth
Strike your enemies with such speed they cannot think to strike back.
Naive Student
Your first lesson is to realize that facts alone cannot sway the soul. - Asako Hayate
Noble Sacrifice
There was no greater honor.
Obstinate Recruit
Others might question his pride, assuming it would be his downfall. For him, it was a source of strength.
Ornate Fan
At times, the ornamentation is the point. At others, it is merely a distraction.
Otomo Courtier
I speak with the voice of the Son of Heaven.
A peaceful environment leads to a peaceful mind.
Perfect Gift, The
He had refused twice, but could not bring himself to refuse a third time.
Ready for Battle
We are prepared to pay any price.
There is one more thing that must be done.
Savvy Politician
For each of her accomplishments, she deferred the praise to those around her, and in this manner their loyalty was secured.
Seppun Gaurdsman
Our cousins, the Otomo, secure the Empire. We secure the Emperor.
Serene Warrior
The real battle is fought against one's self.
Shiba Peacemaker
A lifetime of peace is worth a moment of war.
Shiba Tsukune
I will do my best.
Shinjo Altansarnai
This steed will not be broken to rein and saddle, nor will I compromise my clan in the name of peace.
Shinjo Outrider
I'm on my way.
Soshi Illusionist
People see only what they hope to see.
Steadfast Witch Hunter
The Shadowlands Taint can poison any soul. It is my duty to cleanse it from our ranks.
Steward of Law
There is no better armor than the edicts of Hantei-no-Kami.
Stoic Gunso
We are the Wall.
Tattooed Wanderer
It is said that Dragon shugenja and courtiers are warriors, their warriors are monks, and their monks are inexplicable.
Togashi Initiate
What is wisdom?
Togashi Yokuni
What transpires in our mountains is a mere pebble against the avalanche that is coming.
You have entered a state in which nothing can harm you.
Vanguard Warrior
You will have the time you need. Use it wisely.
Venerable Historian
Only by looking to the past can we hope to conquer the future.
Vengeful Oathkeeper
When a samurai has said he will perform an ction, it is as good as done. - Akodo's Leadership
Way of the Crab
Courage. Duty. Sacrifice.
Way of the Crane
There is a proper technique for all things.
Way of the Dragon
Find your own path.
Way of the Lion
War is the most noble pursuit of a samurai. It gives him purpose and brings honor to his ancestors. - Akodo's Leadership
Way of the Phoenix
Master the elements and be reborn.
Way of the Scorpion
To combat the liars, the thieves, and the traitors within the Great Clans, Bayushi's followers would have to lie, steal, and cheat in turn.
Way of the Unicorn
One cannot capture the wind.
Yogo Outcast
Long ago, the Dark Kami himself cursed those carrying the Yogo bloodline to inevitable betray the one they love most.
Edited by Manchu