Tempt and Hair Trigger

By Smashotron, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions

Can you Tempt Jyn to death before she could Hair Trigger your wrinkly (butt)? Both abilities are "start of activation" but Hair Trigger is specifically an interrupt ability. If the Imperial player has the Initiative token that round, would Tempt trigger and resolve (killing Jyn) before Hair Trigger would be checked and resolved?

I think I understand the likely answer but, I hate Jyn so much, I gotta check. ;)

Edited by Smashotron
watch yo profanity

In skirmish the player with initiative resolves their start of activation abilities first.

Even if Hair Trigger says it interrupts? Killing Jyn first woulda been swell.

Interrupt is mostly a superfluous word. All abilities are performed when they trigger even without it, and timing conflict resolution rules handle the order of abilities with the same trigger. The word interrupt in the ability does not change the timing in any way.