Ties to the Video Game

By Damek66, in Deathwatch

I know that it would be next to impossible due to copyright and legal issues, I still think it would be cool for Death Watch to have some ancillary ties to the upcoming video game. Maybe the planet from the game could be some random world from the DW setting sector, or passing mention of the campaign from the video game in the flavor text of DW.

Cross ties or not, I'm picking both up Day 1. No question.

Err...what video game are you referring to?

Probably "Space Marine".

Wouldn't it be nice to not have to guess though?

...You expect logic on the Internets?


The New 40K MMo thats been schedualed for some point or other after starwars, seeing as trek sucked in to many ways for it to really ever make a real splash in the pool.

It's being made atm by THQ and they're holding back info on it until they've seen what sort of things other games screw up on so they dont make that mistake.

As WAR suffered from being a half made and half finished project before being shifted on to another creation company due to messed up and failed deadlines, so that mistake WONT happen with 40K MMO.

*waits patiently for 40k MMO*

Here's the link to the game I was talking about:


From the videos I've seen it looks like a 3rd Person Shooter, but if they start incorporating MMO elements as well that'd be cool.

Spacemarine is seperate from the MMO.

Much joy.

The last I heard, the game's been cancelled due to the studio folding. I hope that information's wrong.

TalkingMuffin said:

The last I heard, the game's been cancelled due to the studio folding. I hope that information's wrong.

Relic is still going as far as I know. They're releasing Chaos Rising next week, actually.

It seems as though the 40K MMO will be unveiled at E3


As for the Space Marine game, everything I've heard is that it is described as a "third person action RPG shooter."

It hasn't been cancelled, although the game has changed developers. I think Space Marine was delayed because of the changeover.

As for crossover between Deathwatch and Space Marine, I doubt it. Space Marine deals almost exclusively with the Ultramarines defending a forge world from an Ork invasion. I'm sure it's possible, but Space Marine doesn't even have a release date yet. A tie in would make the most sense if both DW and SM were coming out at the same time.

While an actual connection is unlikely, you could always play through the video game when it comes out and use it (weather you use the plot, or it just has some sort of impact on the greater universe in general). hrmmmm..... this is looking like a great year or two for 40k enthusiasts however you look at it.

also waiting patiently for the 40k mmo (I've been seeing rumors on the internets for years, I can wait for a little while yet.)

what is uncool is the spacemarine is not a pc game but ps3 and xbox360 only

i m curious about mmo of wh40k ..i just wait and see what is gonna look

Just seen an aricle in the UK official PS3 mag...

Release date Q1 2012


TalkingMuffin said:

The last I heard, the game's been cancelled due to the studio folding. I hope that information's wrong.

The information was both wrong, and right.

The original Space Marine game died a horrible death because the company making it failed. And given what we saw in the one preview bit they put out before they died, it didn't look that good.

Then Relic took over and are pretty much building a new game with the same name.

Relic's Space Marine game already looks awesome from the trailer they were able to put out pretty quickly, as they used placeholder models from Dawn of War 2. If you look at the stuff in the trailer and the two screenshots that were put out a couple of weeks ago, there is a pretty massive graphical improvement.