So after about 6-8 games I finally found a list that I'm liking. I played two games last night with the list below and won both. First game was against my usual Daqan opponent, second was against a friend playing his first game and bringing the Latari.
Ardus IX'Erebus
Shield of Margath
Ancient technique
Reanimate archers 2x1
-combat ingenuity
Reanimate Archers 2x1
-close quarters targeting
Reanimates 3x2
-support carrion lancer
-File leader
-blighted vexillum bearer
-lingering dead
-triumphant cry
Carrion Lancer
-rank discipline
Carrion Lancer
-rank discipline
Carrion Lancer
199 points
Pretty straight forward. Just scoot up as needed and launch blight tokens. I treat the CLs like another ranged attack. Sit back and shoot out blight. Ardus and the Reanimates can run up and block enemy movement or objectives.