Takodana - Maz and Jyn

By Andreievitch, in Star Wars: Age of Rebellion RPG

I am thinking about having the players go to Takodana in my AoR campaign http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Takodana

We are playing just before Rogue One, and I thought it would be fun to introduce Jyn as an NPC (I just finished reading Rebel Rising). Also, they can hang around Maz Kanata's castle!

Does anyone happen to have stats for Jyn &/or Maz? They would be handy for the social interactions between them.

On 22/01/2018 at 9:36 PM, Andreievitch said:

I am thinking about having the players go to Takodana in my AoR campaign http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Takodana

We are playing just before Rogue One, and I thought it would be fun to introduce Jyn as an NPC (I just finished reading Rebel Rising). Also, they can hang around Maz Kanata's castle!

Does anyone happen to have stats for Jyn &/or Maz? They would be handy for the social interactions between them.

From what i understand jyn is in dawn of rebellion. Maz however... doubtful.

Edited by jayc007

Jyn is not statted up in Dawn of Rebellion, none of the main characters from Rogue One got stats, though there are stats for Rebel and Imperial leaders.

17 hours ago, mcellis said:

Jyn is not statted up in Dawn of Rebellion, none of the main characters from Rogue One got stats, though there are stats for Rebel and Imperial leaders.

My bad. I thought she was there.

I wish Jyn were in there. In my game none of the new sequels is cannon. I am more using Dark Forces, then Dark Empire as the follow up. My player will have bit roles during the Rebellion era. Its more or less the pump up. They will be the heroes during the Dark Empire events. Maybe just stat up Jyn using Sabine as a model. I'd say they are probably similar.

Maz was ok in The Force Awakens......sort of a non Jedi Yoda stand in. Not sure why they had her playing battlefront 2 in "the last jedi"....or why Poe called her, even though he never met her. I'd just stat her with high INT and Knowledge skills, throwing in some charm, negotiation and perception.

On 3/4/2018 at 3:35 AM, jarazix said:

Maz was ok in The Force Awakens......sort of a non Jedi Yoda stand in. Not sure why they had her playing battlefront 2 in "the last jedi"....or why Poe called her, even though he never met her.

Says who?

Even the Poe Dameron comic kicks off with him already established as the leader of Black Squadron. No telling what else he’s done offscreen.

1 hour ago, Nytwyng said:

Says who?

Even the Poe Dameron comic kicks off with him already established as the leader of Black Squadron. No telling what else he’s done offscreen.

Well off-screen events effecting entire story lines I usually don't like. It felt convoluted, it ended up being pointless as the whole second act didn't work and just prolonged the longest most boring chase scene ever. The whole second act never would have happened if the admiral Holdo just told her senior staff what the plan was.

It felt like they had to try to fit her in, just like the R2 and C3P-0 appearances ( and to a lesser degree Chewbacca)

You got me though Nytwyng. I was trying not to go into that movie. The beauty of RPG its not in MY cannon, and can be in yours.

On 04/03/2018 at 7:35 PM, jarazix said:

Maz was ok in The Force Awakens.....

Yeah, its not so much Maz herself I want in the game, but I do like her palace on Takodana. I read Rebel Rising and I liked how Jyn also on Takodana. My players currently have a ship that is hot with the Imps, so I want them to meet Jyn (or should I say Liana Halik) to change the transponder codes.

I guess I don't need her stats, but I am disappointed that it seems Dawn of Rebellion has focused on Rebels and not so much on Rogue One.

If she's just their point of contact to change the transponder codes, there's really no need for stats. We know from Rebel Rising that she's very good at it, so there's no real need to roll for it. Just RP the encounter out.

In the meantime, if you need it--


6 minutes ago, Nytwyng said:

If she's just their point of contact to change the transponder codes, there's really no need for stats. We know from Rebel Rising that she's very good at it, so there's no real need to roll for it. Just RP the encounter out.

In the meantime, if you need it--


Ooh. That's lovely! Thanks :)

Yeah, that's what I will do, but I did want them to travel with them for a bit, much like she does with the Rebels at the end of the novel. All good. I can wing it.

Agreed, that bar of hers....if she can also change out transponder codes, that's a way I'd re-use her....or skin something else with that idea. Thanks!

On 3/4/2018 at 2:35 AM, jarazix said:

Not sure why they had her playing battlefront 2 in "the last jedi"....

One of my least favorite parts of my least favorite Star award movie. It felt so shoe-horned in.

On 3/5/2018 at 3:30 PM, jarazix said:

Well off-screen events effecting entire story lines I usually don't like. It felt convoluted, it ended up being pointless as the whole second act didn't work and just prolonged the longest most boring chase scene ever. The whole second act never would have happened if the admiral Holdo just told her senior staff what the plan was.

This point comes up a lot about this movie, but doesn't Poe's rogue plan totally justify her NOT sharing her plan? Events suggest that if she had shared it and anyone disagreed with it (which seems likely) that they would have enacted a rogue mission of their own and jeopardized everything (exactly like what happened). Her senior staff was clearly NOT a secure group for that information and she apparently was smart enough to know that. (And in a resistance they don't have the option of picking only the best people they have to take who they can get- flaws and all).

Just my two cents.

Sorry, just realized how totally off topic my previous comment was. I don't have any stats for Maz or Jyn. Thanks!

Edited by FinarinPanjoro

How would you build them, both Maz and Jyn?

It's been my experience that, especially with characters like that in my game, I have a better time building them myself, with the PCs' experience in mind.

Would you build Jyn as a Smuggler thief? Agility and Presence at 3. melee, ranged light, stealth, and at least some leadership by the end.

Maz, Colonist (entrepreneur/scholar) with a major focus on lore, education, outer rim, etc. with Force Sensitive Emergent? what do you think would be a good fit for your game?

On 3/4/2018 at 9:35 AM, jarazix said:

I wish Jyn were in there. In my game none of the new sequels is cannon. I am more using Dark Forces, then Dark Empire as the follow up. My player will have bit roles during the Rebellion era. Its more or less the pump up. They will be the heroes during the Dark Empire events. Maybe just stat up Jyn using Sabine as a model. I'd say they are probably similar.

Maz was ok in The Force Awakens......sort of a non Jedi Yoda stand in. Not sure why they had her playing battlefront 2 in "the last jedi"....or why Poe called her, even though he never met her. I'd just stat her with high INT and Knowledge skills, throwing in some charm, negotiation and perception.

My initial thought was this but if you research it it's not Poe that suggests it, although he is seen talking to her it also may not have been him that made the call. It was Finn that made the suggestion that he might know someone.