Support + ranged damage question

By kjsst55, in Star Wars: Destiny

Sorry if this is a dumb question but I can't find the answer and it came up in the 2nd game I played. On a Support card such as "Strike Team" it has a +4 ranged damage but it only rolls one die so you would never get another ranged damage if only rolling that support. Does that +4 ranged damage then attach to a Character's die roll? Does it attach to a specific character you chose when you deployed it like an upgrade, or can it be used with the Character of your choice each round? Thanks in advance!

When resolving, dice can modify any other dice in your pool regardless of where those dice came from. So you could use the Strike Team die to modify a Stormtrooper's 1 Ranged, or a DH-17's 1 Ranged.

Fantastic, thanks so much!