No RP as Rogue Trader Class

By Nergatar, in Rogue Trader

My gaming group rolled up a couple of characters last night and nobody wanted to play a Rogue Trader Class.

Is there anyone who have had the same experience?

Any ide how to Narrate a group without a RT?

Couple of thoughts spring to mind (and since my group's first-blush concepts were like that I did think about them):

  • The Rogue-Trader class is a character archetype, not a proscriptive definition of a character role. A Rogue Trader (actually, let's refer to the role as Lord-Captain, to keep things simple) needn't actually be a Rogue Trader. A Void Master would fit in very well as Lord-Captain, particularly if he received the Warrant directly and/or came from the Navy. A particularly pious Lord-Captain may be better represented by a Missionary (or an Explorator, if he's a member of the Priesthood of Mars rather than the Imperial Cult). A Lord-Captain with prior service in the Imperial Guard could be an Arch-Militant. You get the picture, yes?
  • Ignoring all that, maybe the Rogue Trader died recently, and a major theme of the group's adventures could be themed around either finding his heir, or keeping the fact that he died a secret from the Administratum (maybe the heir is seriously incompetent). In either of those two plot themes, the characters are form a council of the ship's officers (which has some wonderful opportunities for politicking, both of their own, and with NPC officers).
  • Maybe the Warrant stipulates a ship's Council like the above, and there was never a Rogue Trader to begin with. This scenario probably works best with some major politics and backstabbing among the council members.
  • The Rogue Trader could be an NPC, who for various reasons (illness, insanity, indecisiveness or just plain indifference) doesn't take a particularly strong stance of command very often. The players there are acting to provide him with "advice" (if you want the campaign to be player directed), with some more awesome opportunities for backstabbing, manipulations and office politics), or you can have a more traditional GM-directed campaign, where the Rogue Trader acts to set the metaplot ("We are going to the Khaavren system. Make it so.") and the players act to his command.

So, yeah, some possible options, if they help.

Seems like some vial options.

Thank you for the input. I will most likly use one of them.

Had this happen to me myself, everyone wanted to play an arch-militant. I had to fight to even get a Seneschal in the party. Another possiblity is to have an NPC award one player (the one who the others would follow as the leader anyway) the Warrant of Trade with some sort of condition that otherwise forces the players to check in with their superior or otherwise have the GM occasionally influencing the direction of the story.

I've got a group which does this. I simply have their RT a drunken buffoon who asks the PCs what the ship should be doing and then orders them to get on with it before he heads back to his amasec.

Psion said:

Had this happen to me myself, everyone wanted to play an arch-militant. I had to fight to even get a Seneschal in the party.


With a group of players like this... what can you do other then handing them a Raider-Typ-Vessel and set up a "pirates of out fringes" campaign where eveything they do is looting an pillaging?

Honest, if everyone is "!COMBAT!-andnothingelse,emperordamnit!"... serio.gif

Our GM had informed me that, if I hadn't chosen to be our party's Rogue Trader (and no one else wanted it either) he would have played the RT like he plays the Inquisitor for our DH campaign. It could be done rather easily, I would think.

We're on hiatus right now (playing Star Wars Saga Edition in the interim) and I'm a little worried about the GM's maniacal laughter when I told him about my RT character. He's written us a few teasers to tie in our DH campaign with our upcoming RT campaign, and our Inquisitor executed another Rogue Trader at point blank range without so much as a warning. I don't think he'd kill a PC so callously... But it's a little disconcerting. :-)

I decided a rougetrader for the campaign.

Next time I will let them chose and say that one must chose to be a Rouge Trader, if no-one is then I will instead ask for someone to be the GM and take the Rogue Trader role myself.

Ophilia Midkiff said:

He's written us a few teasers to tie in our DH campaign with our upcoming RT campaign, and our Inquisitor executed another Rogue Trader at point blank range without so much as a warning. I don't think he'd kill a PC so callously... But it's a little disconcerting. :-)

He proably beat the RT campaign to do the same to him ;) A RT is the next best thing to the Emperor on his win ship and armed with the Warrant of Trade. Killing an iquisitor would need some explaining to do of course.

If no players had chosen to be a RT in the campaign I'm currently running I probably would have gone with the Ad-Mech style hard wired into the Captains Throne as the Basis for the Rouge Trader.

Gregorius21778 said:

Psion said:

Had this happen to me myself, everyone wanted to play an arch-militant. I had to fight to even get a Seneschal in the party.


With a group of players like this... what can you do other then handing them a Raider-Typ-Vessel and set up a "pirates of out fringes" campaign where eveything they do is looting an pillaging?

Honest, if everyone is "!COMBAT!-andnothingelse,emperordamnit!"... serio.gif

Well, with more then half of them familiar with D&D 4th Edition and nothing else (plus a few thinking it's awesome... a factoid I disagree with) plus... yeah I got a bunch of dungeon crawl junkies. Running my own home-brewed setting with the system only made things more complicated.