Fear Swarm Leader Omega Ace!

By Ronu, in X-Wing Battle Reports

So going to state this a couple of ways. The report you are about to read is ugly. It was a league day with bizarre rules, and a player who has just started playing in the last couple of months.

So rules so the list will look just stupid and I kid you not just dumb.

1. Can only use Ships that came from either Core Set. (Bonus point)

2. Only use Pilots that came in the core set(s) but all from the same core set, no mixing or matching. (Bonus Point)

3. Use all upgrade slots available (Bonus Point).

so I did this to fit all 3.

Omega Ace, Swarm Leade, AO, Stealth Device

2x Epsilon Squadron Pilot, Comm Relay, Guidance Chips

1 Epsilon Squadron Pilot, AO, MKII Engines

1 Epsilon Squadron Pilot, HWCS, MKII Engines

My Opponent

Luke Skywalker, Daredevil, EU, R2-D2, Flechette Torps

RookiePilot, R2-F2, Stealth Device, Flechette Torps

Rookie Pilot, R5-P9, Shield Upgrade, Flechette Torps.

created a cluster to my left side almost diagonal in the corner. First couple of rounds just maneuvering and posturing. He started on the half of the board loaded with obstacles. Wasn’t able to fly through them well.

turn 4 Omega Ace range one with a friend with an Evade with eyes on one of the Rookie Pilots. Fired blank blank blank focus. Imagine the questions when that becomes 4 Crits?! Rookie Pilot no evades, Crit 1 damaged cockpit, second Crit Major Explosion, rolls and hit, Stunned pilot and boom goodbye Xwing.

Turn 5, everyone turned and swung to get positioned behind Luke and the other Rookie Pilot. The chase was on. Couple of turns of chip or nothing on Luke, then trapped, tried to make a maneuver and blocked onto an Asteroid range 1 of, Yes Omega Ace. Grabs 1 from a friend and Lit Luke up like the Griswald’s house on Christmas. 4 crits Luke had no shields after the Asteroid and rolled blanks.

Smartly he conceded having only hit 1 ship and did a whole 2 damage to my list and the entire swarm about to bear down on a Rookie with 1 hull left.

So tough to really take too much from the game. My goodness AO with Ace is frightening, and still might have had a 6th ship with out the restrictions. Fun if not a bit unimpressive otherwise. In an Epic Setting watching that Buzz Saw go to town will be glorious.

I'm also a fan of Omega Ace. Advanced optics has done quite a bit for that ship. I usually run him with advanced optics and a crack shot for 23 points. I'm glad you were able to put him into one of the "live the dream" situations where he lays waste to all before him.