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WC Fleet Patrol Battle Reports
In the opening match, the battle of the Nordics, Finland takes revenge upon Norway for refusing to give us a mountain for our birthday !
@Green Knight was first player and chose Intel Sweep. MOV 247–96=151 for an 8–3 in my favour.
Log file here . Interesting matchup, as both sides had a large base brawler, two smalls with Heavy Ion Emplacements, and light squadrons. Aspiration , jumped in by Raddus to butt heads with Screed's Kuat, amazingly survived the game on one hull and no shields to both of our surprise. The flagship CR90 Desperation and the transport Trepidation managed to sneak by and survive as well, leaving the two Heavy Ion corvettes, Resignation and Enervation , to be torn apart by the Kuat and the Raiders. GK's three Gozantis had to face the Ordnance Cruiser head on, which didn't end well for them, and one Raider was lost in the corvette brawl. I managed to snag enough Intel tokens to win the objective, and we called it in round 4.
Fun match with plenty of carnage. We both made a bunch of silly mistakes, and while mine I think were more numerous, his ultimately ended up more costly as Aspiration escaping pretty much decided the game. Thanks to @Green Knight for enduring me stumbling through my first Vassal game since the Autumn tourney!
19 minutes ago, Villakarvarousku said:In the opening match, the battle of the Nordics, Finland takes revenge upon Norway for refusing to give us a mountain for our birthday !
@Green Knight was first player and chose Intel Sweep. MOV 247–96=151 for an 8–3 in my favour.
Log file here . Interesting matchup, as both sides had a large base brawler, two smalls with Heavy Ion Emplacements, and light squadrons. Aspiration , jumped in by Raddus to butt heads with Screed's Kuat, amazingly survived the game on one hull and no shields to both of our surprise. The flagship CR90 Desperation and the transport Trepidation managed to sneak by and survive as well, leaving the two Heavy Ion corvettes, Resignation and Enervation , to be torn apart by the Kuat and the Raiders. GK's three Gozantis had to face the Ordnance Cruiser head on, which didn't end well for them, and one Raider was lost in the corvette brawl. I managed to snag enough Intel tokens to win the objective, and we called it in round 4.
Fun match with plenty of carnage. We both made a bunch of silly mistakes, and while mine I think were more numerous, his ultimately ended up more costly as Aspiration escaping pretty much decided the game. Thanks to @Green Knight for enduring me stumbling through my first Vassal game since the Autumn tourney!
While I usually think winning is the most fun, this is one of the exceptions Sooo many little mistakes (I don't normally) make, meant the BLOODY ASPIRATION GOT AWAY, LIMPING INTO THE SUNSET WITH 1 HULL TWO ROUND IN A ROW - and at the end with ZERO shields But then again my opponent made many little errors too, so I guess it evens out...
This was a "try new stuff fleet".
Stuff that worked:
Raider-2 with DCaps & HIE (just make sure you have something to follow up with)
Screed with the above
Jonus (if I had remembered grit he would have been not just good, but amazing, totally murdering Aspiration early)
Gar Saxon (if I had set Squad on the correct Gozanti, he would have locked down Aspiration repairs, making it die early)
EWS... amazing stuff on an ISD. Maybe more useful than ECM overall.
Stuff that didn't work so well:
Kuat ISD... not the Kuat as such, but my loadout. It doesn't complement the raiders, plus it lacks independent killing power (in an early game it totally rocked vs squads, however).
Edit: I forgot RADDUS. When first he was revealed... meh... but I've changed my mind. He is so much fun to play... and against! Also he does really turn the meta on its head. Great work fish-face.
Edited by Green Knight33 minutes ago, Green Knight said:Raider-2 with DCaps & HIE
Yeah, these things are nasty . God I wish the CR90B could take DCaps.
33 minutes ago, Green Knight said:(just make sure you have something to follow up with)
33 minutes ago, Green Knight said:Kuat ISD... not the Kuat as such, but my loadout. It doesn't complement the raiders, plus it lacks independent killing power (in an early game it totally rocked vs squads, however).
To be fair, this wasn't the best matchup to make good use of Kallus+QLT+Pods. I'd like to see what it can do against more squadron-oriented fleets.
4 minutes ago, Villakarvarousku said:To be fair, this wasn't the best matchup to make good use of Kallus+QLT+Pods. I'd like to see what it can do against more squadron-oriented fleets.
Already did try them vs squads, and it worked as well as you might expect.
BUT then I have a Kuat that doesn't have range, that also doesn't have definitive kill capacity at close range. So I think maybe I overdid the anti-squad
2 hours ago, Green Knight said:BUT then I have a Kuat that doesn't have range, that also doesn't have definitive kill capacity at close range. So I think maybe I overdid the anti-squad
My solution here was to drop QLT for Boarding Troopers (and Avenger). Squad death AND ship death. This is all under Motti, for whatever its worth.
Note: External Racks = Ordnance Pods and Support officer = Strategic Advisor
Edited by RikashClarification
4 minutes ago, Rikash said:My solution here was to drop QLT for Boarding Troopers (and Avenger). Squad death AND ship death. This is all under Motti, for whatever its worth.
Note: External Racks = Ordnance Pods and Support officer = Strategic Advisor
Probably a much more balanced approach. I approve.
So Aspiration worked as well as it sounds like it never will?
36 minutes ago, Ginkapo said:So Aspiration worked as well as it sounds like it never will?
Not really. It got hit really hard by a raider with hie at point blank range, so shields disappeared like dew. Only clumsy play on my side let it live.
1 hour ago, Ginkapo said:So Aspiration worked as well as it sounds like it never will?
What GK said, but also I didn't take advantage of it too well as I deployed it with three hull zones exposed to threats. Might work better with smarter positioning. Probably not amazing, but I like the idea of it.
2 hours ago, Green Knight said:Not really. It got hit really hard by a raider with hie at point blank range, so shields disappeared like dew. Only clumsy play on my side let it live.
@Realadmiralsdoitinspace and I just finished a game.
I was first player and chose his solar corona. He beat me 262-150, for an MoV of 113, and a score of 7-4. The game ended with his MC80 literally 1 pixel from being off the map edge.
It was a fun game. I have never experienced facing a fleet that was almost the same composition as mine, and it was an interesting experience.
Turn 1 was the usual maneuvering. I had deployed my MC30 too far to the right, so I had to jump it to speed 4 and swing it around, which I achieved on the 2nd turn, having deployed it at speed 2. He deployed everything in the left corner, opposite my 80. He put the 75 into hyperspace. Turn two saw the two 80s facing each other. He double-arced and ET-rammed mine. My 75 and 30 were about to swing around his flank though.
On turn 3 he hypered in the 75, facing my own. various shots were traded, and the turn ended with his 75 at 2 hull. The 30 killed it as the first activation of turn 4, leaving him free to kill my 80 with his own. Turn 5 was maneuvering, and on turn 6 he killed y 30, which had the misfortune (poor planning on my part) to still be at speed 4, and thus ending up at close range of his side arc.
Our squads basically hung out next to the two 80s and traded shots. in both counter and attack, for all but the last turn, my Shara got 2 damage and an acc. In the end I killed Tycho (for some reason he didn't disengage), and his Shara killed mine.
Here's the logfile .
Thrindal vs. Admiral Theia ended in a 225-212 "win" for Thrindal, essentially a tie.
Thrindal was runing a Cymoon with Tarkin and Sovereign while Adminal Theia had 3 TRC 90's and started the game with Profundity and Garel's Honor off the board. Mistakes were made but we tried to help each other out so it all evened out. In Turn 3 Theia dropped Profundity and Garel's honor in close range of both Arquitens and the Gozanti. Thrindal was able to get one out of range thanks to Profundity having to wait to activate but the other two ships had little chance. The other Arquitens ran interference for the ISD for a couple more turns while my 3 ace squadrons chased Garel's Honor. Garel's Honor survived a pixel width encounter with the edge of the board and had one heath left at the end of the game and survived along with the MC75 at 5 health. Thrindal's ISD suvrived at nearly full health as did all his squads.
We played Contested Outpost.
A few thoughts...
1. Starting against 3 CR90's makes it very difficult to keep the Cymoon Front Arc Trained on anything but with that said the Cymoon side arcs and the rear arc were much better than I expected rolling 1 Red 3 Blue and 1 Red 2 Blue respectively. Combined with QBT I was able to do a fair about of work out of the Side and Rear arcs of the Cymoon.
2. Having Profundity and Garel's Honor just waiting to drop is fairly terrifying. Having talked after the game I think Theia could have taken down my ISD but they decided to get the other ships instead. The only question would have been if the Arquitens could have gotten enough damage through to the MC75 to have made a difference before the ISD died.
3. Having not gotten many shots off with the Cymoon front arc Intensify Firepower felt underwhelming at times although with ECM on the Profundity I was able to flip some Accuracies that would have been useless into a little extra damage.
4. I love Tarkin and Sovereign in this list. It keeps IF going every turn (except the first because its the first turn) and the Arquitens get Nav Tokens for Engine Techs which keeps them significantly more manuverable while being able to queue up CF dials without worry.
5. The Assault Gozanti in this list is a complete waist. The cheaper Goz with Comms Net would be cheaper and more useful.
6. Captain Brunson was nice but I didn't get to use her much. Strategic Advisor would have been a much better choice although I have a feeling for a while Large Ship lists will be canceling Strategic Advisor out for a little while until Wave 7 settles in.
7. While Raddus did his work, he was on a cheap ship that was just delivering Profudity. So while he did his job, he also died. Those points in the end was the difference in the game.
Great game, love playing with the new toys!
Edited by ThrindalUpdated to here.
(Accidentally posted in the main VWC reports thread, apologies)
8-3 with a score of 356 to 162 for 194 MOV. We played his Contested Outpost.
Admiral Motti's newest weapon, the Kuat Star Destroyer
, was accompanied by Admiral Motti and his team of expert Combat Slicers. Deploying in a centralized area to capture the outpost on the eastern edge of the system, Grand Admiral Thrawn attempted to catch Motti in a pincer movement with the Chimera and a team of Imperial Light Cruisers acting as pickets. The
moved to directly engage the light defenses of the Outpost while Motti swung wide to flank the Chimera from the west. As pickets and TIE fighters battered the shields of the
, it overwhelmed the enemy flotilla's efforts to scatter from its opening salvo, and came in for a broadside. However, it was a trap, and the Chimera came in to strike with overwhelming force. On Motti's order, the reinforced
risked critical damage to swing it's nose nearly 90 degrees sideways, forcing the Chimera to move past it's optimum engagement angle. Motti's
struck a crucial blow and knocked out the structural safety reinforcements of the Chimera, leaving the ship unable to brace for impact. With the Chimera's rear shields knocked out, it escaped the
s double arc but moved to leave its rear hull completely exposed. Sounding the order to prepare for impact, the captain of the
launched all forward weapons and left the Chimera crippled at range! With no chance of escaping in to free space, the
knew that the only way out was straight ahead:
The Chimera was lost in a catastrophic display of crumpled armor and ruined structural braces, with the battered and bloody Avarice barely holding on in clear and present danger from the enemy. Motti ordered the full evacuation of the ship as it was swarmed by TIE fighters while the Defenesrator eliminated Thrawn's picket defenses in a desperate bid to save the Star Destroyer. Alas, enemy squadrons ruptured the shield generator core and the ship was lost. As Motti's Gozanti Cruisers frantically transported escape pods to the beachhead on the contested station Thrawn's final picket cruiser grabbed the survivors it could find and jumped to hyperspace.
Though at a steep cost, this outpost once more serves the Empire!
I caught it in the main thread, but thank you for cross-posting it here.
Brobafett and Party Potato ends 169 - 90 to Broba, mov 79, 7-4.
Potato is a great opponent, and the game was a fun one for sure. His squads shredded lots of targets to their breaking points, but with the damage spread all around the fleet I managed to limp away on fire but living. In return I claimed his Dominator VSD.
@JJs Juggernaut and I played our game a couple days ago, the same evening @Dupy 's Firesprays made one of my Star Destroyers a punching bag. Because I played JJ first and rolled excellently several times, I hereby blame my defeat in the actual Cup on him sucking up all my good luck (and brain energy). We played his Most Wanted, which we remembered infrequently in both directions, my Assault Cruiser dove for it and got a genuine Ackbar Slash that probably won me the game with the additional dice I was therefore able to throw, ending in a tabling for me. However, I ended up flying my objective MC75 off the table (2 hull left, bad timing on command dials, that carried over into the Dupy game). If JJ can confirm the below figures I'd appreciate it. More formally:
We played his Most Wanted, I won 400-267 (Gold and Tycho also died) for a 7-4 133 MoV in my favor.
Biggs defeats Dr Alex 141 to 117. Triple Cymoons Sovereign is all kinds of stupid fun with all things taking place right at the start of the ship phase. Basically, everyone had the tokens they needed, and while Trapper kinda got the eaten alive by a Krit-Kuat Bar and an Interdictor... and a HIE Raider 2... The other two ISDs hitting the flank managed to eat the Interdictor flagship.
We played his Advanced Gunnery, which he put on his Krit-Kuat Bar, and I put on my flagship, which was the farthest flanker. Played fast with only 3 squadrons and 6 ships. Strategic Advisors offset one another.
@Visovics vs Cninja
We played Vis' Opening Salvo. It was a deadly fight. Almost every ship on the table blew up. Only my Demo and Instigator stayed alive, And the raider had a damage card, giving Vis more points. The ISDs that Vis is packing are serious heavyweights . They basically popped what they shot at. In the end however, nimble Opening Salvo raiders and Demo are actually quite powerful.
Cninja wins 400-239 for an MOV of 161.
It is always a fun game when Vis and I match up. I look forward to our rematches!
@Viktor Tanek
Only 3 games left to play for Round 1. Admittedly, 2 of the players are in the elimination rounds. Get the games in when you can.
7 hours ago, BiggsIRL said:@Irishmadcat - @Aresius
@moodswing5537 - @Viktor Tanek
@webv - @themightyhedgehogOnly 3 games left to play for Round 1. Admittedly, 2 of the players are in the elimination rounds. Get the games in when you can.
Wait didn't I post a result like earlier in the week? I killed Jan and 2 awings for the loss of my whole fleet including my mc75 which was the advanced gunnery ship.
9 hours ago, CaribbeanNinja said:@Visovics vs Cninja
We played Vis' Opening Salvo. It was a deadly fight. Almost every ship on the table blew up. Only my Demo and Instigator stayed alive, And the raider had a damage card, giving Vis more points. The ISDs that Vis is packing are serious heavyweights . They basically popped what they shot at. In the end however, nimble Opening Salvo raiders and Demo are actually quite powerful.
Cninja wins 400-239 for an MOV of 161.
It is always a fun game when Vis and I match up. I look forward to our rematches!
It was an epic fight indeed As great as opening salvo is for my fleet, it always helps MSUs against me... that’s a bad backfire
The match was tense and fun all the way through, thanks for it Cninj!
6 hours ago, Irishmadcat said:Wait didn't I post a result like earlier in the week? I killed Jan and 2 awings for the loss of my whole fleet including my mc75 which was the advanced gunnery ship.
My appologies if I missed it.