———— > If you want it to be so, sure. When it’s not spelled out then it’s up to the GM. (and even when it is spelled out) ———— > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Chamber ———— > It could go either way really, possibly depending on how the GM has presented them in previous adventures. ———— > You can with whichever you like ———— > “More malign” is always a good direction to take things in Dark Heresy. ———— > If you want it to be so, sure. There is no full list of Inquisitors others refer to as Lords. ———— > They might believe it to be a secret, but there are likely others who have made a similar discovery. ————— > It’s unclear, so up to you. This goes for any planet we mention, and it’s always possible there are multiple planets with the same name (or were assigned duplicate names due to Administratum errors). ————— > ditto. ———— > Probably 1k or more and Very Rare (or higher if you’re using DH2 rules). The GM can determine the less refined versions of a power it gives; these will be much blunter with less opportunities for finesse or subtlety. Sledgehammers instead of needles here. And yes, these are more raw so the GM should increase the chances for mutation and possession. |