protecting your Games

By 00Ripley00, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

i deffenitely am a fan of sleeves but sleeves can get rather expensive depending on how many games you have i think i spent over 1000 $ in sleeves for my games but dam well worth it.

I also suggest laminating any character card or whatever gets used alot to protect from wear and tear also been testing out a product i used in animation its a spray on dull varnish type substance ( fixative ) i used it to fix the led to the paper when i was working with pencil or chalk or charcoal etc and im testing it on Doom Board pieces and Descent Board Pieces so far seems to work well it does not add to the thickness of the piece so it does not fit but rather gets sucked into the cardboard and once you let it dry coat it again and done.

I also have seen descent map pieces mad out of Dental plaster looks wicked and am considering testing it

Protect your games folks :)

I use to worry about the many cards for these FFG games but as time passes and I have played many times the cards are holding up just fine. They still look mint.

And I can't imagine what it would be like to pack the cards back into the game boxes if they were all sleaved. New storage would be needed.

I've been using hard plastic cases each holding a very large deck of cards. So far so good.

I will say from experience that those lovely cardboard map pieces and cards will absorb Mt. Dew like a SPONGE! Our only house rule for the game - no more drinks on the table. I will also say that FFG's Customer Service got five stars from me for helping replace those pieces. Best customer service I've experienced.

Thanks for the protective tips.

agreed and yes i do use a cool looking toolcase that opens up almost like a table i think its called a benchmaster

i was considering some kind of clear coat on all the cardboard pieces that are not cards

Has anyone tried this and if so what was your sucess like?

also the little plastice lided trays you get for fishing work really well for orginizing everything

Here is an organizer I like, I got it at Home Depot:

picture of Husky storage box

I use 2 like this to store my minis for D&D. There is a larger model (with a deeper bottom section) that I use for Descent. The Descent box holds dungeon tiles, props, dice, 2 bags of all the red and white monsters, and all the cards. I use 4 separate storage trays (from a different organizer) to hold all the markers (hearts, fatigue, condition markers, money, hero figs, familiars, etc.)

The one pictures is about $30, and the larger one is about $40 if memory serves.