Games and Things Regionals report!

By BlodVargarna, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I just got back home from an awesome day of X-Wing at Games and Stuff Glen Burnie, MD Regionals! I met cool people, played some great challenging games against opponents with varied and interesting lists and had loads of fun. After 6 games played from 10AM to 8 PM, I wound up 3-3.

Here’s the list I flew:

Th Last Jedi Falcon and Poe (97)

Chewbacca (56) - YT-1300
Predator (3), Rey (2), R2-D2 (4), Millennium Falcon (1), Engine Upgrade (4)

Poe Dameron (41) - T-70 X-Wing
Veteran Instincts (1), BB-8 (2), Advanced Optics (2), Black One (1), Autothrusters (2)

As you can tell, this list is not top tier, but from the first time I played it at a store tournament and won 2 games with it, I fell in love. It’s thematic, it features the coolest ship in the galaxy, and my Perfect Poe Dameron.

Chewie is a dang tank who can eat a Poon for breakfast, and Poe danced around the board (when I didn’t mess up!). The 3 point bid ensured that Poe always went last, and honestly I don’t know what I’d change.

R2-D2 Poe is just too dull for me and lord knows I tried out many variants on Vassal but kept coming back to the theme. Theme, that’s what I loved about this list: every time I thought about putting C-3PO instead of R2-D2 on the Falcon I was like “But 3-PO was not in the Falcon over Crait!” It just didn’t feel right. Putting BB8 on Poe was the total right choice for me, thanks for helping me with my decision @gennataos !

I’m going to forget nearly everyone’s names so please don’t hold it against me but here goes:

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 1

Flew against Miranda and Dash, played by one of the Labrynth Squadron guys from DC.

Standard Lone Wolf Dash and Miranda with bomblets, TLT, Poons and 3PO.

We circled about, each loading up on Rey focus tokens and looking for an opening. Finally we committed and the battle was on. Lots of flying all over the board in running gun battles, with my opponent going after Chewie. Poe and Chewie too down Miranda eventually, only to have Chewie get Dashed. Poe needed to put 3 damage on Dash and live and I would have won! I made a zig, where I should have zagged and at the end of 75 minutes, Poe couldn’t seal the deal. This was a close match and my opponent went on to make the the cut so I think that was a decent showing for the first match.

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 2

I played against a local Maryland guy who was flying 2 Ion cannon /D Glaive Squadron Pilots with Predator and a Bomber shuttle carrying a Fleet Officer.

My opponent went straight for Chewie who did work, putting out 2-3 damage a round consistently. Poe managed to luck out and not get ioned at a crucial moment that probably won me the game.

I could probably have won this one with higher MOV if I had not made a critical error with Chewie. I dialed a 3 bank after having gotten an Ion token from one of the Glaives when 2 bank would have been safer, as I wound up close to the edge. I picked up the second Ion token and flew off the board!

Poe just arc dodged like the ace he is and finished the Glaive and the shuttle.

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 3

Flew against a Rebel list with Ezra in the Sheathipede with r3-A2 and gunner; Nym with bomblet and trajectory simulator, and another Poe identical to mine. I was glad to have initiative but it didn’t help that much.

My opponent flew well and focused down on Poe. It started going down hill when Poe was just barely in range of a bomblet and lost 2 shields.

Poe got double tapped by Ezra (thus double stressed) and lost another shield. I made a rash decision to turn in and joust Ezra knowing I’d probably kill him but lose Poe to Evil Poe and Nym. It worked out just how I thought it would.

Chewie’s red dice weren’t hot enough and he too went down. To an R2-D2 flipped critical: Major Explosion and a hit killing him.

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 4

Today seemed to have a pattern “you win some, you lose some.”

I flew against another of the Labrynth dudes, they were all pretty cool people.

This was a missile heavy list with a Poon toting Kimogla, Poon Talonbane Cobra, and Cruise Missile Scyck.

Having learned a lesson (or rather remembering what Chewie is good at) I turned to close in and engage the Scum with Chewie while Poe lurked on the edges, darting in and out to put on some damage here and there.

Chewie ate a Poon, but I managed to make a bank in an unexpected direction that sent. Two of my opponents ships out of arc and bumped a third. In the next two rounds, I was able to trade Chewie for the Scyck and Talonbane. Poe then finished the Kimogla after a few rounds of cat and mouse.

R2-D2 regened a few shields one that was critical to keep Chewie alive long enough to return fire and kill Talonbane.

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 5

I played against Frank, a a real fun opponent. We both laughed during this game more than any of the others I played all day.

He flew a very thematic and interesting list of a PTL advanced sensors, Seinar Silencer, Qucikdraw, and Omega Leader who had an interesting build: VI, Advanced Optics and Stealth Device.

Here I had problems with target priorities and tried to run when I should have turned in for some epic blocks. Quickdraw hits like a ton of bricks with his revenge shot and it was hard to get the right approach on him. Eventually Poe got QD in the side arc, but the revenge shot and QD’s next shot killed Chewie!

Poe ran and pulled off some dance flying at one point a T-roll winding up perfectly behind OL. After a fantastic shot, OL lived with one hull (but still lived!!!). I would up penned in and took a run at QD. We both killed each other at PS 11 and that was game.

I really like the Silencer and I think I’m going to have work in Ben Swolo into my XWM life somehow.

Edited by BlodVargarna

Game 6

My last game was against a very cool guy who O think was also a local MD guy flying PTL AS Kylo, and two deadeye Poon Rhoboats.

I played against and beat this list before, which gave me confidence. I turned Chewie in and got a series of blocks that resulted in the death of Kylo but not before Chewie ate a Poon, and Poe got a damaged cockpit from Kylo’s darkside.

PS0 Poe is actually pretty **** good when he has a pre position move to set up blocks.

Chewie flew past the Rhos and after a lot of rounds of flying between Poe and Chewie I whittled them down. Engine Upgrade was key to this engagement with Chewie moving after the Rhos and escaping arc multiple times.

My opponent and I were both pretty tired and made some sloppy mistakes here and there, after a long day of X-Wing. But he was a class act and really liked flying against him.

After 6 rounds and finishing 3-3 I was really ready to head home. I got an alt art Zuckus card and picked up a used copy of Mtchikoro from the front of the shop.

Games and Stuff is a fantastic game store with tons of games in a big space with friendly staff and a cool owner. I wish it wasn’t an hour away, I’d probably be there a lot more often (well my wallet is probably happier this way!)

Edited by BlodVargarna
5 hours ago, BlodVargarna said:

Chewie’s red dice weren’t hot enough and he too went down. To an R2-D2 flipped critical: Major Explosion and a hit killing him.

Thanks for the interesting battle report. I don't know that you can die from r2d2 crew like this? Your hit should have removed your newly gained shield, no?

I also misplayed it recently and lost Vessery to a major explosion and a direct hit that should have just been a shield off!

2 hours ago, FixB said:

Thanks for the interesting battle report. I don't know that you can die from r2d2 crew like this? Your hit should have removed your newly gained shield, no?

I also misplayed it recently and lost Vessery to a major explosion and a direct hit that should have just been a shield off!

Maybe you’re right! The Major Explosion crit was already accounted for and the new crit would have just taken the new shield. Dang!

Edited by BlodVargarna