I just got back home from an awesome day of X-Wing at Games and Stuff Glen Burnie, MD Regionals! I met cool people, played some great challenging games against opponents with varied and interesting lists and had loads of fun. After 6 games played from 10AM to 8 PM, I wound up 3-3.
Here’s the list I flew:
Th Last Jedi Falcon and Poe (97)
Chewbacca (56) - YT-1300
Predator (3), Rey (2), R2-D2 (4), Millennium Falcon (1), Engine Upgrade (4)
Poe Dameron (41) - T-70 X-Wing
Veteran Instincts (1), BB-8 (2), Advanced Optics (2), Black One (1), Autothrusters (2)
As you can tell, this list is not top tier, but from the first time I played it at a store tournament and won 2 games with it, I fell in love. It’s thematic, it features the coolest ship in the galaxy, and my Perfect Poe Dameron.
Chewie is a dang tank who can eat a Poon for breakfast, and Poe danced around the board (when I didn’t mess up!). The 3 point bid ensured that Poe always went last, and honestly I don’t know what I’d change.
R2-D2 Poe is just too dull for me and lord knows I tried out many variants on Vassal but kept coming back to the theme. Theme, that’s what I loved about this list: every time I thought about putting C-3PO instead of R2-D2 on the Falcon I was like “But 3-PO was not in the Falcon over Crait!” It just didn’t feel right. Putting BB8 on Poe was the total right choice for me, thanks for helping me with my decision @gennataos !
I’m going to forget nearly everyone’s names so please don’t hold it against me but here goes:
Edited by BlodVargarna