Card designer software

By guest483081, in Android

Hi, everyone!

I own Android for a couple of months now, and I'm feeling an emotion somewhat akin to Arkham Horror and Battlestar Galactica. I don't mean there are similarities to those games strictly speaking , I mean AH and BG are games that have more of role-play than mechanics, in some gaming groups are easy to be "burn-out" (play 4-in-a-row and then they could be on the shelf a year), and people enjoy them not for balance, victory-combo-easiness or awesome game design, but for the experience.

Said this, I have to say I have played the original rules and modified rules implementing some Bleached Lizard's variants ( director's cut in BGG), being my favourite NPC rules, some of the murder rules and location rules. In particular, reading evidence at the end, no need for 3 hits / seedy-ritzy location rules. All the other variants are waiting to be analyzed and used. I have 2 thoughts in the overall variant at this moment (waiting to see the rest of variants played)... the players don't seem uncomfortable seeking victory by placing evidence in suspects (original play), and it's ok to place the leads just after being followed by another player. The first I suppose grant them direct control over future VPs (sowing) and the second lets them "set a trap" just for a location needed for another player's dark card. But these are just a couple of first experiences I wanted to share.

The main theme of the message is... another point that links this attractive game with AH is the implement of house rules, re-discovering and re-shaping that a program like Strange Aeons for AH lets happen. All the effort here comes from Bleached Lizard (I commend you, really), but the game could experiment a wonderful feed-bakc and re-shape coming from any gaming group as they could create their own cards for plots, murders, twilight cards, etc... after all, Android, just as A. Horror, is a wonderful set of background, tokens, board and mechanics... sometimes flawed, but perfectly re-shapeable to the gaming group's sake and likings.

Does anyone know of a similar tool like Strange Aeons just for Android?

It would be great.