Is the Level Boss for each level the campaign level or the monster upgrade level?

By SlyFrog, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

For a concrete example, say it is the Silver Campaign level, but you have Copper Eldritch Monsters.

The level boss is a Master Sorcerer. Is he Silver or Copper?

The Level Boss does not get a free upgrade based on the campaign level. So in your example, the Master Sorcerer is still Copper.

Big Remy said:

The Level Boss does not get a free upgrade based on the campaign level. So in your example, the Master Sorcerer is still Copper.

Well, to be fair, it could be an upgrade or a downgrade, but I take your point. :)


True, for Eldritch it would definitely be a downgrade if they are still Copper at the Silver campaign level.