SOB Questions

By WWU343, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

1. For wind movement and current; is a round considered after both the OL and Heroes have gone or just the heroes or OL separately? What happens on an ambush when the OL goes first? Would this change when the ship movement would happen?

2. What stops the heroes at the start of an encounter from fleeing off the top of the map?

3. Can a hero man a station on the OL's ship? If so, what stops the heroes from using the ships wheel on some ocean locations to ram the OLs ship into the rocks on the first turn?

4. Does a ship sink if it is moved sideways into a rock?

5. Does elven sails effect the number of spaces a ship goes side to side, when manning the captain's wheel?

6. Would a house rule where an adjacent hero could move a cannon one space for two or three movement points, but wouldnt be able to fire it unless it was put into another weapon mount be over-powered?

7. For the Leviathan plot, do you need to roll for a surge after a binding token has been sieged three times?

8. Anyone think of an easy way to use the RtL outdoor encounters for the land routes?

9. Are the sea routes that are missing encounter shields in error?

10. At the start of the campaign when the heroes are purchasing items and potions, do the potions they buy cost them 50 coins each or only 25 coins because of the starting city?

11. When using cannons, are hero skills, abilities and effects such as command, active? If this is the case, Laurels ability to convert extra range into damage is a little over powered when she is using a cannon.

12. How many movement points does it take to go from the water onto a ship?

13. If a hero is webbed adjacent to a glyph, does the web prevent him from going back to town?

I don't have access to all my stuff, but I'll try and answer some of this

1. For wind movement and current; is a round considered after both the OL and Heroes have gone or just the heroes or OL separately? What happens on an ambush when the OL goes first? Would this change when the ship movement would happen?

This one is not clearly specified anywhere to the best of my knowledge.

2. What stops the heroes at the start of an encounter from fleeing off the top of the map?

I don't think anything does if they chose to. Of course they lose all progress for the week if they do that.

3. Can a hero man a station on the OL's ship? If so, what stops the heroes from using the ships wheel on some ocean locations to ram the OLs ship into the rocks on the first turn?

Nothing prevents a hero from manning a station on the OL's ship, or a monster from manning a station on the heroes ship .

4. Does a ship sink if it is moved sideways into a rock?

Yes, any collision with rocks, reefs or sandbars sink the ship

5. Does elven sails effect the number of spaces a ship goes side to side, when manning the captain's wheel?

Don't have the card in front of me, but I don't think it does.

6. Would a house rule where an adjacent hero could move a cannon one space for two or three movement points, but wouldnt be able to fire it unless it was put into another weapon mount be over-powered?

In my opinion yes, because a high movement/high fatigue hero could move a cannon to a new mount pretty easily.

7. For the Leviathan plot, do you need to roll for a surge after a binding token has been sieged three times?


8. Anyone think of an easy way to use the RtL outdoor encounters for the land routes?

Actually been working on that. Easiest way would to be just nominate a number of trails as green, yellow and red.

9. Are the sea routes that are missing encounter shields in error?

I've seen no indication that such is the case.

10. At the start of the campaign when the heroes are purchasing items and potions, do the potions they buy cost them 50 coins each or only 25 coins because of the starting city?

No, because that is part of the game setup and they are not in the city yet using the Alchemist.

11. When using cannons, are hero skills, abilities and effects such as command, active? If this is the case, Laurels ability to convert extra range into damage is a little over powered when she is using a cannon.

Barring a change from a FAQ update, yes they are active. Tobin is far far worse than Laurel.

12. How many movement points does it take to go from the water onto a ship?

AFAIK, its one MP but I think railings might affect that.

13. If a hero is webbed adjacent to a glyph, does the web prevent him from going back to town?

Don't remember off the top of my head.

Big Remy said:

I don't have access to all my stuff, but I'll try and answer some of this

1. For wind movement and current; is a round considered after both the OL and Heroes have gone or just the heroes or OL separately? What happens on an ambush when the OL goes first? Would this change when the ship movement would happen?

This one is not clearly specified anywhere to the best of my knowledge.

5. Does elven sails effect the number of spaces a ship goes side to side, when manning the captain's wheel?

Don't have the card in front of me, but I don't think it does.

6. Would a house rule where an adjacent hero could move a cannon one space for two or three movement points, but wouldnt be able to fire it unless it was put into another weapon mount be over-powered?

In my opinion yes, because a high movement/high fatigue hero could move a cannon to a new mount pretty easily.

12. How many movement points does it take to go from the water onto a ship?

AFAIK, its one MP but I think railings might affect that.

13. If a hero is webbed adjacent to a glyph, does the web prevent him from going back to town?

Don't remember off the top of my head.

1. DJitD pg7
Descent: Journeys in the Dark is played over a series of rounds. During each round, every player receives one turn , starting with the heroes and ending with the overlord.

I imagine that in an ambush the OL simply goes first, which mean the round finished with the last hero.

5. Sort of. Technically no, but "the revenge may move one extra space each turn" is similar to an extra sail, except that extra sail doesn't count for maximum sideways movement via the wheel.

6. I agree with Remy.

12. 1, +1 extra if going over a railing.

13. No. Going to town does not cost MP, it costs your turn.

1 One round is over after the party and OL end their turn , does not matter who starts.

2. Nothing the encounter ends in party fleeing.

4. Reef do not sink the ships, read the rules, they just damaging the ship

13. Going to town is required to be on a glyph not near, you cannot go to town unless you start your turn near or on the glyph

Yeah I forgot about reefs just doing damage.

As for the glyphs, I can't remember if this inconsistancy was ever solved. To go to town, you don't need to do anything in RtL except start near or adjacent. However to come back from town you need to spend a movement point to come back. So if you are webbed, go to town, are you stuck there until you get rid of the web then?

1. Yea this is what we thought to about the wind and current movement. In order to make it a little different we have a house rule now that the wind movement takes place for each respectives side's ships after that sides turn. ie the Revenge moves after the heroes have moved.

2. According to the rules this would just be a party flight, which would mean the party would continue on with the week but wouldnt get any loot for the encounter. This seemed a little cheap to us so we now have a rule that for ocean encounters if the heroes flee w/o the ship they are automatically ported back to the home port and the week ends. Any damage the ship sustained remains.

3. In order to prevent this cheap move we have a rule that while you can man the wheel on the other ship, going sideways into a rock or land will damage the ship, not sink it. How much damage it should do is still up to debate, but we were thinking it should be dependent on how far you went into the rock and the size of the ship.

4. House rule now has it so that your ship only sinks if going forwards into the rock, sideways into one will damage it.

5. I agree that the extra movement should just be optional forward movement during wind movement.

11. Some abilites such as Laurels have been nerfed when using a cannon to half the normal extra damage due to range.

12. The fact that the ship is in now way concidered elevated above the water is kinda strange to me.

13. The current two house rules regarding web that we have is thus:

1. Web prevents you from using the glyph.

2. You can use the glyph in town, but your not allowed to roll off any status effects while in town; ie you would still be webbed when you return.