1. For wind movement and current; is a round considered after both the OL and Heroes have gone or just the heroes or OL separately? What happens on an ambush when the OL goes first? Would this change when the ship movement would happen?
2. What stops the heroes at the start of an encounter from fleeing off the top of the map?
3. Can a hero man a station on the OL's ship? If so, what stops the heroes from using the ships wheel on some ocean locations to ram the OLs ship into the rocks on the first turn?
4. Does a ship sink if it is moved sideways into a rock?
5. Does elven sails effect the number of spaces a ship goes side to side, when manning the captain's wheel?
6. Would a house rule where an adjacent hero could move a cannon one space for two or three movement points, but wouldnt be able to fire it unless it was put into another weapon mount be over-powered?
7. For the Leviathan plot, do you need to roll for a surge after a binding token has been sieged three times?
8. Anyone think of an easy way to use the RtL outdoor encounters for the land routes?
9. Are the sea routes that are missing encounter shields in error?
10. At the start of the campaign when the heroes are purchasing items and potions, do the potions they buy cost them 50 coins each or only 25 coins because of the starting city?
11. When using cannons, are hero skills, abilities and effects such as command, active? If this is the case, Laurels ability to convert extra range into damage is a little over powered when she is using a cannon.
12. How many movement points does it take to go from the water onto a ship?
13. If a hero is webbed adjacent to a glyph, does the web prevent him from going back to town?