Could FFG's current focus on Terrinoth lead to some new D2E content soon?
A few of us have been hoping for more d2e content (it's been a while) but there are some tantalizing signs it may - just possibly if we're lucky - be on the way albeit after a long hiatus.
Firstly I now think the long gap could be intentional so they're not competing with their own new line launches of new product lines set in the Runebound universe so that fans focus on this while it gets established. Also the frequent restocking of D2E items- the core set and some other items have quite regularly sold out then been restocked- suggests they may also have delayed new D2E content due to some key content being out of stock and also clearly still selling well.
They're clearly developing the back story and lore of Terrinoth a lot at the moment.
The Runewars Miniatures Game has launched with some races not represented fully/ at all in Descent yet as well as some that have been featured in Descent, some of this content for RWM isn't even out yet. With so much content being developed for RMG I'd be surprised not to see some of this to find its way into Descent in the not too distant future.
I'd started to give up on that hope then Genesys and Dragonholt came along and my optimism returned- The Runebound Universe is in very good health.
The Genesys Roleplaying System I have to check out- the prospect of RPG'ing with D1E/D2E and potentially RWM kit as well as some of my other fantasy gaming kit has already been on my mind and a Terrinoth-based core system for doing this seems ideal- even if it turns out to not be the perfect RPG system (and it's looking good so far from what I've read) there will be things you can use such as lore and the dice system has loads of potential. It also excites me for potential new D2E goodies as it very much suggests FFG are very much set on making full use of the lore and races across different games- I'm sure they're working on some D2E things or planning to soon that will follow a similar trend of building on the lore and factions/characters across multiple game types.
Finally with the new product lines there's Legacy of Dragonholt which has a race not seen in Descent? Have the catfolk featured- not sure without checking?- but I'd love to see more of them in D2E, especially the one pictured in this article:
LoD could also marry up quite well with Genesys for creatives looking for inspiration for the stories they want to tell in a fully RPG setting and also sounds like a great stand alone in its own right- FFG are developing a great family of different games which if you like the lore behind them, the characters that lore offers and different styles of gaming you'd get a lot from owning the different Runebound universe games, with plenty of new options to pick, choose and customise your Terrinoth gaming experience to suit what you and your gaming friends enjoy.
With Descent still popular and the RTL app I'm sure all this Terrinoth activity has to finally, eventually mean some new things for D2E, I'd love to see the possibilities explored for Descent as to what new environments, characters and challenges this further development of the lore of Terrinoth could bring to the game. The RPG it seems will also see us getting some useful resources about this lore such as races and characters, would be truly awesome if they united all the Runebound universe games in this way (even the out of print ones), a kind of Terrinoth encyclopedia and who's who so you'd have characters' links to their community and factions/races- that could be useful for anyone making their own quests/ RPG storylines and so on. The Realms of Terrinoth sourcebook sounds like the beginnings of this kind of resource. I'd love to see all the monsters, characters and so on in one series of reference books but from all the games, the RPG sourcebooks are the best way to do this but could also be used by players for things like designing D2E quests or even to just get more out of playing D2E.
As I've said before this all ties in to the fact there is scope to mix things up a bit if you're a creative type, don't mind some mismatches of scale and a few stretches of the imagination working round such limitations- which could be so much fun. I'm already wanting some carrion worms to use as a parasitic creature with some life cycle stages using other pieces and some larvae props I've set aside to paint/adapt from some suitable packing material that looks like cocoons, being creative with gaming can be part of the fun- and using all those minis' potential in Genesys is already exciting the creative me (I'm not sure if it's designed to be used with mapped-out, mini based RPG'ing but if not there's no reason why it couldn't be as any RPG is going to involve moving through an environment and encountering things, and if you have lots of suitable minis/map bits/scenery bits/props etc including from different games the possibilities become awesomely limitless, you can create any storyline you want and see what your players do faced with it! But of course RPG's can also be pure narrative- I enjoy both forms.)
Edited by Martinslairforgot about d1e and other kit!