SOB level 56 Tomb of Thieves

By Corbon, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

This level has a red runekey in it but no inactive glyph.
There is no indication anywhere that killing the Boss (Sorcerer) does not open the red runelocked door
SoB pg 19/20
Unless otherwise stated, the leader on each dungeon level carries a red runekey. Unless otherwise specified, upon the leader’s death (whether caused by the heroes or not), the heroes immediately receive it and can open the corresponding red rune-locked door. ).

It seems likely that the red runekey is a misprint for a red glyph. Rumour 11 in RtL had a red glyph misprint for Master Sorcerer and Level 6 had a glyph misprinted as active when it should be inactive, so similar misprints have happened.

So, thoughts?


I took a look at the map...and you may be correct. However, I have noticed that in the SoB dungeons, that there sometimes is only one active glyph and thats the starting one. Which makes for a more challenging map. And after reading the dungeon level card, it states that when the leader deals damage to a hero, the party loses 250 coins from the treasury. In my opinion, I think the red rune key is there so the heroes can opt to just run away from trying to kill this leader. If the heroes do not have the anti-undying weapon, it could be a real pain to try and kill the sorcerer.

Also, it is map 58 in my book...not 56.

Jonny WS said:


I took a look at the map...and you may be correct. However, I have noticed that in the SoB dungeons, that there sometimes is only one active glyph and thats the starting one. Which makes for a more challenging map. And after reading the dungeon level card, it states that when the leader deals damage to a hero, the party loses 250 coins from the treasury. In my opinion, I think the red rune key is there so the heroes can opt to just run away from trying to kill this leader. If the heroes do not have the anti-undying weapon, it could be a real pain to try and kill the sorcerer.

Also, it is map 58 in my book...not 56.

Yes, 58. I must have written it down wrong in my notes.

Good point about having an option to avoid having to kill the sorcerer. Not entirely convinced as they still have to go past him to get to the portal, but it does mean that are party doesn't have to get looted out of all their cash if he does well with Undying.
In fact the more I think about it the more I think you are right.
Too bad I already played the level, but at least if it comes up in another campaign we can get it right.


Unless it is specified how to open the red lock door, you need to kill the boss, do nor speculate. They are some erata for some maps you should check it out.

Slapul said:

Unless it is specified how to open the red lock door, you need to kill the boss, do nor speculate. They are some erata for some maps you should check it out.

Check your privilege. That is all.

What do you mean ?

Slapul said:

Unless it is specified how to open the red lock door, you need to kill the boss, do nor speculate. They are some erata for some maps you should check it out.

If there is a red runekey then you clearly do not need to kill the boss. But there is nothing saying you don't need to kill the boss (which there usually is). Hence the speculation- it seemed contradictory,

Where is the SoB errata?