The logical angle was that if a neutral character alone cannot chose to use Hero or Villian cards then why does putting him with a non neutral character make a bit of difference.
Neutral character question?
I do appreciate the debate and will attempt to get my group to play according to what the majority thinks.
Having him with a Hero enables Hero cards on its own, not paying attention to color whatsoever.
When adding color cards to your deck the ONLY stipulation is "must have a matching color character" - that is, after resolving if your deck is hero or villain based on the characters picked.
Hero enables Hero cards and disables Villain
Villain enables Villain cards and disables Hero
Red enables Red
Yellow enables Yellow
Blue enables Blue
Grey's on switch was superglued on.
There is no interaction between Color and Hero/Villain, period. So as long as Hondu is with a Hero you can add yellow hero cards to your deck. Nothing mentions you need a yellow hero to include yellow hero cards, only A Hero and A Yellow Character, not A Yellow Hero
21 hours ago, ozmodon said:The logical angle was that if a neutral character alone cannot chose to use Hero or Villian cards then why does putting him with a non neutral character make a bit of difference.
And there's the flaw in the logic.
The rule you are referring to says: "If a team has ALL neutral characters, its deck cannot contain hero or villain cards".
The OP situation says the team is a red hero character and a yellow neutral character, so this rule doesn't factor into deckbuilding restrictions because your team isn't just ALL neutral characters
On 1/20/2018 at 11:07 AM, yodaman1971 said:And there's the flaw in the logic.
The rule you are referring to says: "If a team has ALL neutral characters, its deck cannot contain hero or villain cards".
The OP situation says the team is a red hero character and a yellow neutral character, so this rule doesn't factor into deckbuilding restrictions because your team isn't just ALL neutral characters
Rite, so when you add a Red hero you now have access to the red hero cards. The Yellow character doesn't magically transform it is still neutral
If it worked the way everyone is trying to say then they would say that an all neutral team could choose to use either Hero or Villian cards. If I had a blue, yellow and grey character that were natural. Then I added a blue hero, two of the 4 characters could use blue hero cards that said spot a blue character. If any of those cards said spot a blue hero character then only 1 out of the 4 could use it. It isn't a license to convert all characters on your team to hero. No where does it say that.
Edited by ozmodonNah it's as simple as : you have a hero character, unlocks hero cards. You have a red character, unlocks red cards. You have a yellow character, unlocks yellow cards.
Edited by YwingscumLet's be practical here. If by simply adding a yellow neutral, blue or whatever character gives one the ability to not only add that color but also add both hero and villain cards from that color; don't you think that would be incredibly broken. Everyone would run a neutral character.
4 hours ago, ozmodon said:If it worked the way everyone is trying to say then they would say that an all neutral team could choose to use either Hero or Villian cards. If I had a blue, yellow and grey character that were natural. Then I added a blue hero, two of the 4 characters could use blue hero cards that said spot a blue character. If any of those cards said spot a blue hero character then only 1 out of the 4 could use it. It isn't a license to convert all characters on your team to hero. No where does it say that.
Except the rules specifically say if a team has only neutral characters it cannot have hero or villain cards. This isn’t that difficult to understand. The rules clearly spell out that hero/villain choice is separate from color choice. I have no idea how you could read the rulebook and think different than how everyone else on this thread has replied.
Spotting is something completely different from deck building. I don’t think a single person on this thread thinks spot a blue hero would mean spot a neutral blue character in a hero deck.
This needs to be shut down.
If it worked the way I think then how would it be worded?
I am really trying to decide if I want to block ozmodon or if I agree with him.
On one side, I could block him, and then I wouldn't have to read anything else by him and continue to facepalm.
On the other side, I could agree with him, and then start accusing everyone I play against of cheating when they use Hero characters and have neutral cards in their deck. "HEY! Those cards aren't HERO cards! They are obviously only meant for Red Neutral characters!"
This feels like a lost cause, but what the heck, one more recital.
Page 12, Building a Deck:
- If a team has hero characters, its deck cannot contain villain cards. If a team has villain characters, its deck cannot contain hero cards. If a team has all neutral characters, its deck cannot contain hero or villain cards.
- Blue, Red, and Yellow cards can only be included in the deck if the team includes a character of the matching color.
These are two separate bullet points, and create two independent restrictions. One applies to including cards based on affiliation (hero/villain). One applies to including cards of particular colors. They do not work together to say "You need a yellow hero to include yellow hero cards."
So, let's take an example. I have Ketsu (Yellow Neutral) and Poe (Red Hero). I want to include Lothcat and Mouse (Yellow Hero) in my deck.
Bullet 1: Does our team have hero characters? Yes, so we can't include villain cards. Do we have villain characters? Nope, so we can include hero cards. Are we all neutral? No. We pass this.
Bullet 2: Lothcat is a yellow card. Do I have a yellow character to match it? Yes. We pass this.
Lothcat and Mouse is legal.
It's really not that hard - to reiterate, affiliation and color are checked separately. You have to pass both, but that doesn't merge into a single "Yellow Hero", "Red Neutral" check.
Edited by Buhallin4 minutes ago, Buhallin said:This feels like a lost cause, but what the heck, one more recital.
Page 12, Building a Deck:
- If a team has hero characters, its deck cannot contain villain cards. If a team has villain characters, its deck cannot contain hero cards. If a team has all neutral characters, its deck cannot contain hero or villain cards.
- Blue, Red, and Yellow cards can only be included in the deck if the team includes a character of the matching color.
These are two separate bullet points, and create two independent restrictions. One applies to including cards based on affiliation (hero/villain). One applies to including cards of particular colors. They do not work together to say "You need a yellow hero to include yellow hero cards."
So, let's take an example. I have Ketsu (Yellow Neutral) and Poe (Red Hero). I want to include Lothcat and Mouse (Yellow Hero) in my deck.
Bullet 1: Does our team have hero characters? Yes, so we can't include villain cards. Do we have villain characters? Nope, so we can include hero cards. Are we all neutral? No. We pass this.
Bullet 2: Lothcat is a yellow card. So I have a yellow character to match it? Yes. We pass this.Hit and Run is legal.
It's really not that hard - to reiterate, affiliation and color are checked separately. You have to pass both, but that doesn't merge into a single "Yellow Hero", "Red Neutral" check.
You are a gentleman and a scholar
Hey guys, I'm just playing Devils advocate so I can show this down at the game store where I play.
I do appreciate all of the posts.
Edited by ozmodon