Indirect damage vs second chance

By carraminana, in Star Wars: Destiny

Hello There!!!

If i take 4 indirect damage from one source, (dont matter where it comes from) and my yellow hero with second chance die with the first indirect damage point assigned,

Do I have to assign the other 3 points after second chance triggers?

or the over damage is wasted?


It should play out much like force illusion where you get to assign the amount of damage your character can actually take. So if your second chance char can handle 3 damage, they take that, then you have one more damage to dish out. If that char can only take 1 damage, second chance is a before ability, so you get hit with 1 damage, second chance and still have another 3 damage to go.

Couldn't you assign all the damage, ignore the excess damage per the rules and then heal 5?

If say he is the only character left with one health and takes 4 indirect he would take all the damage, then second chance triggers. As far as I understand it. You resolve damage like all other damage. Now if it was 2 die with 2 indirect each he would take the first 2 triggering second chance then take the second to as per the rule of resolving dice one at a time.

I have been known to be wrong before.

When a player
distributes damage “as they wish:”
1. The player assigns their characters the amount of damage
they will be dealt.
A player cannot assign an amount of damage greater than the
remaining health plus the number of shields on the character,
unless a player cannot assign any more damage to their
characters and there is still damage remaining to be assigned,
then the player must assign the remaining damage to their
characters as they choose.

So yeah, if it is the last character, they have 5 health after second chance, otherwise, up to the amount of health they have left, the excess hits other characters.

Dice are resolved individually you only resolve 2+ dice as groups when you add modifiers. 2 and 2 would be resolved separately while 2+2 would be resolved as a single effect.

Damage is assigned then dealt, only when it is dealt do you deal with its effects.

In general you can't assign more damage than it would take to kill a character. So health remaining and shields. However, if you only have one character remaining then all damage is assigned to it.

Keep in mind that Force Illusion does not provide shields, so if you have 2 health you could only assign two damage unless it was your last character.

So lets just say this was your last character and you assign 4 damage to it.

Next you apply the damage, so you grab 4 damage worth of tokens and put down the tokens, you then stop when you get to the health of your character as it is defeated. At this point you stop dealing damage and return any unused tokens to the pool. Your character is defeated, so we now resolve Second Chance as it has triggered. Remove 5 of the damage tokens (so you should now have damage tokens totaling your max health less 5). If the only damage was that 4, it is now your turn, otherwise your opponent can continue resolving dice.