Playing Command Cards on NPCs

By Green Squadron Pilot, in Imperial Assault Rules Questions


In a recent Skirmish (Moisture Farm) the game was getting tight - both my opponent and I were in the 30+point zone.

One of his Rebel scum moved up to shoot a Raider and the Raider (Health 5, 1 black Defence die) was likely to be killed outright.

Even though I (the Imperial player) was not in charge of the Raider, I played the Command Card Stealth Tactics (The Defender rolls an additional white Defence die) on the Raider in a desperate attempt to keep the Raider alive until I could shoot him on my activation. My opponent wasn't happy but my argument was that the command card could be played on Any Small Figure . For the sake of a quick game, we played that I could and for the record, it didn't matter; the Raider died.

However, is that legal? Can an opposing player in a skirmish game play cards on a figure that, in theory, isn't under their control?

I hope that makes sense.


Command cards with a restriction box can only be played on friendly figures.

Skirmish Guide, Figures Using Command Cards said:

Many Command cards have a restriction box listed above the
ability. These cards must be played on a single friendly figure
that matches the restrictions listed (often a trait or figure name).

Emphasis from the skirmish guide.

Edited by a1bert