So I have a relatively new group of 3 PCs who I would like to encounter a difficult Combat Encounter. The idea here was to have them encounter an Acklay living (and hunting) inside a cave (which turns out to connect to a sunken Jedi Temple) and have to determine a clever solution before being able to proceed.
The PCs have several resources at their disposal, from around 20 or so rebel soldiers, 1 Imperial Walker, and a few Imperial Speeder Bikes, as well as a HWK-290 which could be brought into play. What I would like to see happen is the PCs encounter the Acklay, find out very quickly that they are out matched (and be allowed to escape), formulate a plan, and carry it out.
The issue I have is that there doesn't seem to be anything short of a Vehicle weapon that can actually get through a Soak of 12, and if vehicles are brought into play, then its going to be a 1 hit kill on the poor Acklay, with no chance of it fighting back against something like an Armor 3 Walker.
Has anyone every included this critter in their game? Soak 12 seems a little absurd, but I don't want to knock it down to 10 (basically a 2 success hit needed to wound with a blaster carbine) without reason.